✒️About And Some Writing Tips✍️

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So this took me quite a while XD.

So this story took me about 6 months to finish. So I really appreciate that you finished this story, it's a boring journey but to the people who made it this far, congrats to you.

SeiKU started when I decided that to write down my entire story that I have been world building for like 3 years from now. It started as an concept, when I came from an air flight. WHATIF aliens meet humans and they came to this planet and do stuff? It was a pretty cool concept but as the younger me, I didn't write it down. SO yeah I kept world building and procrastinated about this being a movie, where I'm this big director and I lead a bunch of sets, Yeah I'm that kind of guy.

until when one day on a summer break when I just passed 7th grade and became a bit more wise because the amount of hustle videos I watched. This thought came into my mind "If you wanted the people to see your work, then how about you write it down" I felt a bit of guilt of not writing it down. So I decided to explain my story in a video but it's boring so kept doing it, until the 3rd one techfruit, Then I realized "the story is getting out of place and orginate in a totally different timeline, why keep doing it when it's not part of your expectation" so I decided to write instead, and which I made the covid 19 story one, I often try to tell the reader the entire concept which was a major flaw in my story. I decided to do a second one and improved a bit on it. And fast forward to today SeiKU final sin part 2, a entire fetched chapter book that took me 6 WHOLE MONTHS.

Writing tips From Dodo Nodens:

Put up music: It can be soft lofi, or whatever hell music you like that motivates you.

Work for 25 minutes and rest for 5 minutes and repeat: So I discovered this on some hustle video, and it really helps me make alot of process.

REMOVE DISTRACTIONS: the most common thing that distracts me from my writing is distractions. I would go from writing and making progress to Scrolling in some comment section on the Lofi video I used to motivate me. So I recommend putting your phone away. Or hide it if you want to play music with it.

Don't be afraid to walk around: sitting on your desk all day isn't really healthy. Walk around if you feel like it.

SeiKU Final Sin Part 2Where stories live. Discover now