The demon lord swapped places with Izuku as he began painting heavily from having held his breath for the last few seconds. He then got up and walked over to Shiozaki.

Izuku: you okay?

Shiozaki: I'll be fine, just a few bruises her and there

Izuku extended his hand in order to help her up as Shiozaki accepted it. He helped his fellow green haired friend over to the infirmary as she had sprained her ankle when she was launched by Milim's attack. Mic called for a five minute break before the battle between Momo and Bakugou

Izuku and Shiozaki arrived at the infirmary where they were met by recovery girl, Treyni, Zegion and Benimaru. Shiozaki's parents congratulated their daughter for how well they did against them. The two of them waited for a few minutes to regain some energy before returning to the classmates. On their way back, Momo and Katsuki had just begun their fight.

Momo, despite her best efforts, was on the backfoot as Bakugou wasn't letting up and constantly blasting her with his quirk in a similar fashion to what happened between him and Uraraka. Whilst the crowd wasn't in an uproar like last time there was still some boo's here and there from the crowd for his brutality.

The fight ended when Bakugou unleashed his ultimate move, Howitzer Impact, on Momo as she was launched outside the arena but they couldn't see her due to the amount of smoke. When the dust settled and the smoke cleared, the crowd was in silence at what happened to her.

Momo was embedded in the wall outside the arena, blood dripping from her forehead and her uniform torn in several spots as well as blood in several spots on her outfit.

On live television, for all to see.

If the crowd didn't like Bakugou then, they sure as hell hate him now.

Izuku: MOMO

Izuku screamed as he jumped down from the stands with Zegion, Treyni, Benimaru and Jiro(she hopped onto Zegion's back to help get her down) close behind. Izuku quickly checked for a pulse and luckily found one. He took a sigh of relief as the mist lord gently pried her from the wall and carried her to recovery girl. Benimaru and Izuku quickly opened the door as Zegion set Momo down on one of the beds. Recovery Girl used her quirk to heal Momo and any remaining scars were healed by Treyni. Treyni decided to tell them the damage she sustained after the blast.

Treyni: she had both of her arms broken, she also had at least 3 cracked ribs with one of them nearly piercing her lung as well as a fractured skull. Lucky it's all gone now though she will feel sore for a while

Izuku was on the bed to Momo's left as he questioned why Bakugou would do this, why he would go through hurting Momo for seemingly no reason. However, one idea clicked into his head that maybe, just maybe, Bakugou took notice of her getting more powerful and, Bakugou being Bakugou, decided to "teach her a lesson" by beating her into the ground.

Izuku hoped this wasn't the reason, but deep down he knew it was more than likely the reason for this. He had faced Katsuki's rage for almost a decade at this point and could practically read him like a book.

Suddenly, Present Mic's voiced boomed over the intercom for five minutes until the finale started. Those in the recovery ward wished him luck as he went to the waiting room for his match against the explosive pomeranian. After he entered the room, Milim appeared next to him, visible pissed

Milim: somebody's going to die today

Izuku: later, but for know I have a better idea

The demon lord than gave a mischievous smirk

Milim: oh what did you have in mind


Izuku and Bakugou both entered onto the arena, the explosive pomeranian grinned whilst Izuku was emotionless, his hair blocking his eyes.

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