Wager with a demon + the ADC

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As the students began coming into UA, the staff was having a talk in a secluded segment of the school to discuss matters of the safety of the students. Hisashi had joined the staff and only contributed to the conversation if need. That was until an, interesting topic came up

Tsukauchi: so what do we with Izuku

Hisashi's head shot at him like a rocket. Everyone could feel the heat in the room increase due to Hisashi using his quirk in a threatening manor

Hisashi: what about him Tsukauchi, choose you next words carefully

Vlad-king: Hisashi calm down

Nezu: what about him detective?

Tsukauchi: well according to reports, he went on a rampage and attacked the staff and students, not to mention nearly killing you, Hisashi.

Hisashi was getting more pissed offed

Hisashi: that.wasn't.him.

He calmed down before continuing 

Hisashi: Milim had temporary control over his body, and before you ask the sword that I usually carry was the cause since it was the same one that was at the crime scene almost a decade ago. Fortunately, Milim is still dormant in Izuku's body, as long as he doesn't grab the sword we are good.

Tsukauchi: well the organization doesn't see it that way

Hisashi turned to him, everyone knew that one slip up could end the detectives life

Hisashi: explain. NOW

Tsukauchi: the heads of the hero organization suggested that it would best for the students and Izuku that he should be taken to an offsite facility to—

Hisashi: HELL FUCKING NO,* he smashed the table with his fist, frightening the detective

Tsukauchi: again it's just a suggestion 


He gets up from his seat and gets in the detectives face


He inhaled in order it calm himself down, then turned to the other hero's in the room

Hisashi: besides I have a plan to deal with her if she ever returns

The staff looked shocked

Powerloader: oh, and that would be?

Hisashi: the ADC or Anti Demonlord Coalition 

Nezu: explain

Hisashi: simple, we train the students of UA to fight of demon lord Milim. This will give the courses time to interact with one another as well as help further the studies of all courses, not just the hero course

The hero's in the room began to ponder his suggestion 

Toshinori yagi AKA all might: it's a good idea

Snipe: yeah, I like it, but will it work?

They all looked at Hisashi 

Hisashi: it will work and it will put a to stop her

Midnight: don't be so confident Hisashi 

Hisashi: I'm not confident, I'm optimistic 

He then turns and returns to his seat

Nezu: well then, that settles it, Starting tomorr—

Hisashi: I have plans set already to begin today, the sooner the better. Also I will be teaching this course

Wrath of a Demon LordHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin