Duel of the successor's

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As Izuku and Todoroki walked towards the battlefield, Present Mic called their names as they prepared to duel. 

Midnight: ALRIGHT, let the battle BEGIN

As she said this, Todoroki launched a massive ice attack at Izuku to which he used a 100% finger flick to break it. Milim immediately began screaming at Izuku

Milim: WHAT THE HELL, are you trying to hurt yourself?

Izuku: don't worry, I have a plan to both win and help him


Todoroki: what's wrong, not gonna use that magic of yours

He launched another ice attack and Izuku used another finger flick, this time his finger badly damaged

Milim: I know he is your classmate but what the hell are you doing

Izuku: trying to get him to unleash his power

They continued their barrages of strong attacks, about 10 times, till Todoroki spoke up

Todoroki: just what are you doing? did my father put you up to this? did he try to have you get me use his stupid powers?

Izuku: HA, how cute, you thinks I take orders form him. No, I am doing this on my own accord.

Todoroki: still I don't intend to win with his power

He launches another ice attack only for Izuku to swap positions with Milim, causing them to get incased in ice. Shoto thought he won, only for two green claws to to break through the top.


Izuku: Milim, what are you

Milim: trying to get him to use his fire

Milim: you clearly want him to use it so why nothelp

Izuku was confused but now he understood

Izuku: I have an idea

Milim: alright let's —

Todoroki: stop standing there and fight

He charges at the duo as they swap back to their original places. Izuku than charges up OFA and punches him into the stomach sending him careening towards the edge but he stops just before that. 

Todoroki: *pant* why are you*pant*doing*pant*this. Why do you want me to use his power

Izuku: last time I checked I'm not fighting Enji Todoroki with Hellflame, no I'm fighting Shoto Todoroki with Half hot, half cold. I'm doing this because it's YOUR power Todoroki, not his. The quirk you weird belongs to you and you alone.

Insert gratuitous Todoroki flashback that everyone knows

Todoroki's left side ignites into flames, Endeavor begins to celebrate before being interrupted by Izuku

Izuku: OI FLAME BLAMES, shut up so we can fight

The entire stadium was shuckithed that Izuku back talked the #2 hero however he didn't care. He then turned to his opponent who had a smile on his faces

Todoroki: you just helped you opponent, now we shall see who's messing around. So, shall we?

Izuku: heh, wouldn't have it any other way

Milim: wanna use THAT move

Izuku: might as well

Izuku flares their aura around them in a violet flame that surrounds their body. Todoroki than launches a large ice attack at Izuku be he simply jumps up and charges at him, he than reels back his fist as his hair grows longer and he grows a horn. Both Milims and Izuku voices are heard as black fire and lightning swirl around their hand

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