The Dance of Life and Death!

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The Bad Blood slowly started walking parallel to me and into the middle of the temple entrance, I followed him. My eyes never left him as my body was tensed and ready to dodge if required. The temple was more silent, the air felt electrified and full of suspense. The statues felt as if they were waiting and watching, this fight would be a dance of life and death! 

Once in the middle we stood parallel to each other, bodies tense in preparation for the battle. Our eyes remained locked on each other, the yautja slowly raised his arm and started disconnecting his mask, a fainting hissing came from the wires connected to the mask when it was pulled off. His eyes were narrowed as if waiting for my look of horror and disgust, I held my snarl and glared at him, I would not allow him the pleasure of seeing my fear, ever!

He dropped his mask in an instant and lowered into a stance his arms coming out in arch downwards as if to say come at me as an ear-thumping roar sounded from him, challenging me. My snarl quirked into a deadly grin as I roared back at him as I held my daggers ready, my body held a stance that allowed me to attack or defend. 

His face contorted into a snarl as he came at me, the sound of running bounced and echoed off the walls but I paid no mind to them. My mind was sharp and my body twice as fast, I dodged his charge and slide under him. I spun on my heel and cut at his heels. A roar sounded after as my body automatically flipped back, avoiding a powerful kick, that if it had hit me would have broken or dislocated something.

He had power but I had speed even with the extra weight of my child. The daggers felt like extensions of my body and weighed nothing in my hold. Green thwei coated the blades as I held a position close to the floor to dodge, however when he rushed me this time he expected this and swung his leg out again. My arms came up to block his kick, the power of his kick sent me backward but I remained standing, my forearms stung from the force of his kick.

My snarl cut through the air as I dashed toward him, my footsteps light and my body ready to dodge. My blades met his and elected a loud clang sound, our attacked parried each other and the dance began for true. 

His wrist blades would block my attack while my daggers would parrie his blades, I blocked his attack to my neck and chest before I kicked at his wrists forcing him to back away slightly. We dashed at each other again, him swiping at my head while I ducked and slid under him to dodge. I stood quickly and grabbed his dreadlocks tightly, a handful almost, and with my dagger, I cut them off his head. Thwei poured from the new wound as his pained roar sounded louder than any of the other roars he let off.

I threw the dreadlocks onto the ground and mindlessly noted that there were 10 of them there. My focus shifted instantly to the yautja who came at me like a raging bull. If I had not dodged he would no doubt have crushed my skull in with his fist or flung me into the wall cracking my skull like an egg. His attacks became ruthless and guided by anger, he left me no openings to back away, all I could do was dodge his advances. 

I danced around him still quick on my feet but I had begun to tire even with adrenaline coursing through my veins. His snarl turned into a cocky grin when he noticed my movements begin to slow down slightly, he was cocky and proud. He knew he would win this if the fight kept on any longer. I knew I had minutes before I would need to rest.

He started to come at me quicker and stronger, his hits hitting at my arms and hands, I would not allow him to hit my head, chest, or stomach but he continued. Suddenly, my world shifted as I fall backward, the Bad Blood used this and threw a kick straight at my stomach. I flew a few feet away before I landed with a skidding halt but I didn't care about how my body hurt or how my breath came out in gasps. 

My hands came up to hold my stomach....There was no kick in response to my touch...My eyesight turned black after that ... I had blanked out numb from the fact that my child was now dead...


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