I'll Miss You Too || Kujo Jotaro 💖💫

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The drive to the hospital was silent. Joseph was driving, eyebrows furrowed as a hand gripped tightly around the wheel. Kakyoin, Avdol and Polnareff, gazed outside the windows, with fret and a little bit of pessimist.

Meanwhile, there was Jotaro. The one that tried to keep his cool but deep down, everyone knew he was worrying the most.

With every car passing by, time seemed to move on agonisingly slow. Despite driving at a dangerous speed of 120km/h, it didn't feel fast enough.

The tension between the 5 was thick, no one dared to say a word. They feared what was to come upon their close friend Y/n.

Especially Jotaro.

He's known the girl since elementary school and they have been friends since. The thought of her, being harmed by an enemy stand user made his blood boil.

He knew she was strong enough to fend for herself but no one was there to help her. Balling his fist, he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Tch." He turned his head to face the window, in hopes of distracting himself. Tipping his hat slightly, he played the whole scenario in his head.

The paramedics frantically called for the 5, asking if they had any relations to Y/n. The frantic in their voice and the stutters that left their lips, that was then the 5 knew, Y/n was in horrible shape.

Jotaro placed his hand on his cheek as he leaned against the door of the car. Thinking of anything he could've done to help her like; why didn't he follow her? Or why didn't he foresee the possibilities of this happening?

Kakyoin placed a hand on Jotaro's shoulder. "It wasn't your fault, don't blame yourself." He hoped that his words would reach Jotaro.

Unfortunately, it did not.

Jotaro only grunted. But he continued to blame himself for what had happened. He just couldn't forgive himself - even in the slightest. He knew he wasn't entirely at fault but the guilt of knowing he could've done something haunted him.

Joseph sighed and stopped the car semi-dramatically, the other 4 jumped out of the car to find Y/n while Joseph parked the car.

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch up with you guys later." The rest nodded as Joseph drove off to the parking lot.

The 4 ran into the hospital, frantically looking for Y/n as they feared that time wasn't by their side. The hallway was empty as the echoes of their footsteps resonated within the building.

They were lucky enough to know her room beforehand since the nurses told them on the phone in case they were going to visit. It didn't help that her room was on one of the higher floors so the hunt to find it was excruciatingly long.

But low and behold, they finally stood before her door. A nurse came out to greet them, telling the 4 about her current condition, Y/n was in far worse shape than they thought.

Even after a blood transfusion, it wasn't enough to sustain the poor girl. She was losing too much blood at a quick rate that the transfusion barely did anything for her.

The nurse bit her lip, sighing before she continued, "she might not make it, her oxygen is too low and there isn't much you can do. Fortunately she's still consious so you can talk to her but don't expect a reply."

Avdol thanked her and Jotaro burst through the door without a second of hesitation. He saw the girl's figure, motionless as she laid on the bed peacefully. Her face was still as beautiful as ever and she looked like she was taking a nap.

She was still ethereal in his eyes.

He kneeled next to her, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything."

No one has ever seen cold, stoic Jotaro look so vulnerable in their lifetime. Not even his own mother, Holly Joestar. But there and then, before the crusaders' eyes, they were shocked to see what he truly was like.

It was as if, they saw a little boy, crying out for his parents.

The other 3 were quiet, they had nothing to say - more like they couldn't say anything. Y/n was a bubbly and extroverted kind soul, it was really unfortunate that she ended up in this position.

Holding her hand tightly, Jotaro seethed in rage. "I'll kill him, I'll kill the person that did this to you I promise."

But as much as he wanted to be angry, the sorrow in his heart didn't seem to leave. It lingered there as he continued to sob uncontrollably. He was angry and sad and... he couldn't think straight all that well to be honest.

The girl, with all of her might, tried to squeeze his hand that was in hers. She looked with him, with a pair of determined yet tired eyes, barely speaking above a whisper.

"Kujo Jotaro, do you remember the first time I met you?"

"I do... I remember it very clearly."

"Good," she chuckled lightly before continuing, "I remember that you promised me that you'll never leave me no matter what, vice versa. Look where we are, even after 10 crazy years, we're still closer than ever."

With one last smile, she looked at him sweetly and cupped his cheek, "Kujo Jotaro, I'm sorry that I'm not keeping my end of the promise. But please... I know I'm selfish for asking this, but please never forget me."

A tear slipped out from the corner of Y/n's eye. Despite that, her smile never left her face.

"You're not selfish and you're not going anywhere Y/n! You'll be fine! Just keeo breathing, you'll be out in no time!" Jotaro's words were futile, and he knew it.

"Jojo, you and I both know, that I don't have any more time. I'll miss this but, more importantly I'll miss you."

With that, the sound of a flat line resounded throughout the whole room. Everyone erupted in tears as they called out Y/n's name.

As her hand slowly felt more cold and stiff, Jotaro held it gently in his larger ones, mumbling his last words to her lifeless body,

"I never got to say that I'll miss you too, idiot."

a/n: please vote if you liked the story!!!

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