"Thank you" I say "You know, you were also really strong, I mean he was your best friend and I only ever saw you cry once".

He laughs and says "You weren't supposed to see me cry". "Oh come on, are you the type of person who have ugly cries?" We both laugh together.

Our conversation is cut short when the car comes to a stop.
And when I tell you my jaw dropped, it literally hit the freaking floor.

In front of us is a huge building with lots of windows. It's a whitish, creamish building and it's surrounded by plants and flowers.

Dominic opens the door for me and I come out. "It's the most popular restaurant in the city". Wow. "It's beautiful".

"Yea, beautiful" he says while looking into my eyes. I look into his as well.

"So are we going inside or are you going to enjoy the view" he smirks and heat rises to my cheeks.

"Let's go" I say and he takes my hand and leads me inside.

As soon as we enter, we are greeted by an old lady in her mid fortys.

"Mr Frederico, nice to see you again. Oh my..." Her sweet voice says "And who might this lovely lady be?" Dominic answers "This is Evelyn"

"You're so pretty Evelyn" she looks at me. "Thank you". "Alright let's get you and your wife to your table" the sweet lady says and i nearly choke on my saliva.

Did she just call me your wife?" I whisper to Dominic. "Yeah" he says shyly and rubs the back of his neck.

We walk up four flights of stairs when we finally get to the table. There's not a lot of people on this floor. I only see about 3 couples.

Dominic holds out a chair for me and I politely sit down, muttered a thank you. He takes his seat and I finally ask, "so, why the expensive dinner and all?".

"Uh I just wanted to eat out, we've been eating homemade food alot now" he says and his hand brushes his the back of his neck.

"So why'd you bring me?" I ask playfully. "I uh didn't want you to be alone" he looks nervous.

"So, shall we order?" He hands out a menu to me and I nod.

After our food comes, we eat in silence. It was a bit awkward so I decide to break the silence.

"I was wondering, how come my dad never told me about you?" I was very curious as to why I never knew about him.

"He would keep everything to himself. He was always keeping his problems and worries to himself." He explains.

"That explains why he never told me about his illness" I sigh and look down.

"I always told him to tell you but he wouldn't listen to me. He would say he'd rather suffer on his own instead of making you suffer as well"

I look up at him, waiting for him to continue. "I guess you got that from him" he smiles "You keep things to yourself" I guess I do. I wouldn't want others to worry about my problems.

"I guess" I say and smile at him. His smile is the cutest thing ever. I look around, appreciating the beautiful interior design of the restaurant.

There are two couples dancing in the middle of the room. The song Truely, Madly, Deeply starts playing.

"Do you like to dance?" I look at him "I don't even know how to" I say, a little embarrassed.

"Come on, let me teach you" he says while standing up an coming over to my side. He offers his hand and I can't help the smile playing on my lips.

He leads me to where the other couples are. He wraps his arms around my waist and I place my hands on his chest. He gives me a nod and we start to sway to the music.

I look into his emerald green eyes. His eyes are deep, it's like I'm staring straight into his soul and it's beautiful.

He leads and I follow his steps, trying not to step on his shoes, "Look, you're a natural" he's really tall so I have to look up to see his face.

He looks down at me, our faces merely inches apart and I can feel his cool breath on my lips. He leans his face down, closer to mine and then.........

Suddenly he winces and I look down where he is looking. Shitt! I stepped on his foot. I guess I was too distracted.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realise I did that. I can't even dance properly" I start and he stops me "Shh, Evelyn it's okay. You were kind of distracted so it's fine" he smirks at me.

The song finishes and we go back to our table. How could I spoil a moment like that. What's wrong with me. I sigh softly.

After dinner, Dominic takes us back home and we don't talk for the rest of the night.

He was really nice today and very respectful and I on the other hand, stepped on his freaking foot.

He's a nice guy. There's no wonder dad helped him. He deserves everything in the world.

I take a shower and go to the living room to watch something since I'm not tired.

I spot Dominic on the couch, in a blanket. I guess he's not getting sleep either.

He sees me and makes space on the couch for me. "Come" he says.

While I'm getting comfortable on the couch, I can't help but inhale the scent of the blanket.

It smells alot like Dominic. We sit in silence and watch whatever is on.

Both of us not even paying attention to the movie. I guess he's thinking about something too.

I decided that tomorrow I'm going to tell Cee that I'm looking for a job.

She works at a bookshop so maybe I could get a job there too.

Her mum is really strict so if Cee wants pocket money, she has to work for it.

I hope I can get a job at the bookshop too.

Atleast I'll have somebody to help me around and to show me what needs to be done.

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