Chapter 14

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Thranduil sat at his desk, elbows braced on the desk top, hands clasped to support his forehead as he tried to concentrate on the book he was reading instead of working. He reached down to turn the page, then flipped it back. He couldn't recall anything he's just seen on the previous page. In the two weeks since Dís had collapsed, he'd dropped six pounds he couldn't afford to lose and his concentration was starting wander. It took too much effort to think, much less work. He closed the book and paced the room; slowly tracing his fingers lightly over the tops or exposed sides of objects he was passing.

After Callon's tearful nap, Thranduil made a point to come and see her twice a day, every day. She was still searching for some outside force to blame for Dís' refusal, and he'd given up trying to make her understand.

Thranduil finished a full circuit of the generous space, and turned back, retracing his steps. He wondered how long it would take Dís to notice that everyone was addressing her as if she were officially his wife. Everyone just assumed it was nerves that were holding back the announcement of the Royal Nuptials, but it wasn't stopping the palace residents and citizens from having new robes and frocks ordered so they would be ready at a moment's notice.

He returned to his original starting point. He looked at the ever-growing stack of paperwork beside his desk, yanked open the door and strode into the Throne Room. The guards on duty bowed as he passed them. He was heading for the Family Quarters with no real purpose in mind. He was outside the Queen's Apartment before he could stop his feet. He knocked and a moment later, Ásný opened the door.

She curtsied. "Sire. The ladies have all gone out."

"Out?" he frowned. "Out where?"

"The nursery, sire. I doubt her Majesty will venture further than that at the moment."

He nodded. "Thank you, Ásný."

He headed down the hall to the nursery. Even Dís' own staff had already accepted as fact what Dís was stalwartly ignoring. He arrived and opened the door slowly. Callon was sitting on the floor, absently pushing a ball across the floor. If it rolled just out of her reach, she left it where it was and plunged into the tub beside her for another one. Six balls were close around her, but she paid them little mind.

Tauriel was sitting with Dís on her favorite window seat. She looked tired. He started to shut the door and leave them in peace when Callon glanced up and saw him. She offered him a nod.

"My Lord," she greeted him. Thranduil stepped into the room and shut the door. Dís looked up and groaned.

"Please go away," she begged. "I'm not in the mood for you just now."

"I'm here to see Callon." She waved her hand absently and he bent to pick up the scattered balls. "What are you playing?"

"Look like I'm having fun," she muttered.

He nodded and tossed the balls in his hand back into the bucket.

"Yeah, that's my favorite game right now, too." Callon looked at her grandmother then at Thranduil.

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