Chapter 2

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"How much longer do we have to wait?" Lady Dís demanded crossly. "I sent word to the Mirkwood king over six months ago asking for permission to pass through his lands. He said he would send an escort for us."

"I know, my Lady. But—" the servant started.

"I have been camped on this accursed plain for a full week already! I want to move on!"

"We sent the messenger birds ahead of us, my Lady—"

There was a bit of commotion just on the edge of the small dwarf camp, interrupting the servant. The few guards Dís had traveling with her rushed to surround her, axes at the ready, as a massive elk emerged from the Elven Gate to Mirkwood, followed by several horse mounted guards. Dís' eyebrow rose as she recognized the elk's rider. She called the guards to stand down, and stepped forward to greet their visitors.

"King Thranduil. To what do I owe the honor?" Dís tried to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. She didn't succeed, as the elf king gave her a sardonic look as he dismounted.

"I received word that the last princess of Erebor was haunting my doorstep," he told her. "And since I haven't been out of the house in a while, I thought I might as well come and escort you through the Woods myself."

Dís offered him a somewhat mocking bow, and led him to her tent. A red-haired woman and several other elven guards followed. The woman joined the king and the others took up positions outside. Dís offered Thranduil a seat and a cup of tea. While they waited on the drinks, Thranduil pointed to the guard.

"You have never met my Captain of the Guard, Tauriel."

Dís nodded to her. "I have no reason to know her," she said, not unkindly. Thranduil offered her a strained smile.

"I'm afraid you do. Tauriel."

The guard dropped to one knee. "My Lady Dís. I was for a very, very short time, the wife to your youngest son, Prince Kili."

Dís stared at her. "His wife!" she demanded, incredulous. "How? When? I received no word of any wedding."

"For elves, my lady, sex is marriage."

"Oh. I see. Why are you telling me this?"

"Because . . . you have a one-year-old granddaughter waiting in the palace in Mirkwood, who is very excited to meet you."

Dís stared at the elf, shocked beyond words. "Granddaughter? You . . . had a child . . . and you are sure she is my son's?"

"Very sure. There has been no-one else." Tauriel said firmly.

Thranduil huffed. "Besides, she looks like him. He was the scruffy one, with the unruly black hair?"

Dís felt like a weight she didn't even know she'd been carrying was suddenly lifted off of her. A grandchild! She had a grandchild. A half-elf one, but it seemed Mahal was not going to let her die alone after all.

"What's her name? You said she looks like Kili? What is she like? When can I see her?" Tauriel smiled and Thranduil sighed. "She's going to be a holy terror," Thranduil muttered.

The tent flap was opened by an elf guard, and the tea was brought in by a dwarf servant. Tauriel rose as Dís ordered another cup be fetched, and poured for Tauriel and Thranduil. The extra cup was brought, and she bade the girl to sit beside her.

Thranduil listened in silence as the two females discussed little Callon. When he found out that Tauriel was with child, at first, he suspected Legolas, but when confronted, his son had bitterly disclaimed the child and told his father who he suspected the father of Tauriel's child actually was. Knowing how fragile the politics were in Erebor at the moment, Thranduil had quietly had a panic attack. If the child was a male, then it, and not Dáin Ironfoot, was the rightful king of Erebor.

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