blossom's egg

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❣Just a short where there is one references to Revaitonary Girl Utena❣

Told form blossom's point of view

I sighed. I loged into my computer and clicked on the website called Sweet Castle Anime. I clciked on the reavtionary girl utena poster. " grant me the power of healthness" i sighed.  " you left off at epsoides 27 of Revaitonary girl utena, the englsih dub" the woman spoke. " wanna hear what this esipode is all about?". I typed yes.

Told from kasey's point of view

I got ready for the party blososm was trowing all of a shudden. Someone kncoked lightly at my door. " come in" i undid my messy high pony. Blossom came in with a smile. " kasey, does thee have a big heart?" She asked. " tis i who has a big heart!" I smriked. " big enough of two more people?" She asked. " why yes!" I flipped my hair back. " good!" She then walked out. " wait what just happned?" I asked.

Told from bowie's point of view

Blossom fixed the daisy pin on my chest. " isn't he going to freak out?" I asked her. " he won't, unless you spill the beans" she answred. " and if i do?" I galred at her chest. " then you'll take care of it all by yourself!" She snapped. " sorry, i'm just scared he'll find out" i sighed. " and what's the worse one little king can do?" She asked. " it's nine ten pm now" i told her. " he shall be here soon". " then we shall we aprart until he leaves" she looked away in shame.

I took her hqnds and kissed them. " we shall get through this together" i told her. " but if he kills you" she said. " i must raise the child with my mother". " i understand" i sighed.

Told from brick's point of view

I kncoked on the door of the kaitlynn household. Kasey opened up the door with a warm smile. " hey" i smiled. " why are you here?" She galred at me. " blossom invited me" i rolled my eyes. " then come on in!" She opened the door fully with a smile. I walked in and found bowie hpkissing blowsom's hands.

Nothing unusual going on here.

I felt qrms wrapped around me. I gazed down tok see bright red high heels. " nothing tra la la?" Her vioce seemmed so soft. To soft. " so why the party?" I asked her. " i never thought you were the party type". " something or rather someone made me" she let go of me. She then walked next to bowie. " now let us cut the cake" she smriked.

Told form blossom's point of view

A cart rolled itself out of the kitchen and stopped in frount of me. " do the honor" i stepped back. " why i!?" He gasped. I looked into his eyes. " because it's your's".

Told form brick's point of view

" what excatly is going on between you two?" I glared at bowie. " well, she made me do it!" He pointed a finger at blossom. " the female is always bestowed the blame!" Snapped blossom. " but he who kiss her is to balme!". " what is even going on?" I looked at kasey, who looked like she saw blossom murder ireane.

" so that's what she ment by two more" kasey said. " can you let me in on this joke so it can be funny?" I rolled my eyes. " she having bowie's baby, ya dumb blind fool!" Kasey snapped. " has in offspring of bowie himself mixed with a little bit of blossom?" I asked. She noded. " hopefulyl it'll get it's mind and looks from it's mommy" she sighed.

How shall i kill thee, fateful teacher?

Told form blossom's point of view

" so what gender is it?" Kasey asked. " we shall know when daddy cuts the cake" i winked. Bowie picked up a knife and cut the cake right down the middle. The cake inside was pink and blue. " is it a guy or gal?" Kasey asked. " the cake was supposed to tell us!" I began to cry.

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