Your ideas!

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Hey, it's marvel girl fan here, and i have a fun event for you, dear reader!

Up until Christmas, you can sumbit ideas for this book!

🌹The rules🌹

1. No sexually explicit content

2. No reader x chacther

3. Not same gender x same gender ships

4. Don't try to change my head coan of powerpuff girls z.

(Ex. Blossom kisses brick because she loves him romanticly)

[Explanation: Blossom does love brick as a friend, but would NOT kiss him without a trick behind it].

5. You must out the setting the chacthers in the sence, then your idea.

(Ex. Setting : book store, chacthers : blossom, kasey, idea : blossom and kasey and at the book store hanging out)

6. Keep in mind i have very BAD grammer and spelling.

7. Have fun.

I WILL give you credit for your idea. So don't be shy and sumbit those ideas in the comments!

⚘Simply ideas to get you started⚘

1. Role or Body swap

2. Furture kids

3. Parents

4. Furture

5. Crossover

You could even take these ideas and just add the setting and chacthers. You cna sumbit more than one, but no taking ideas.

~ With Love, The Female Fan of Marvel

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