"What is it?"

"I... I feel safe around you. And I can be myself when you're around. And when you're far away - I get antsy. I don't feel better until you are beside me again."

He listened silently, scared to let her continue but also scared to stop her.

"What I'm trying to say is... I love you, Mattias."

His chest dropped. It ached. Hadn't he imaged this exact scenario a hundred times? And yet, each time, he turned the idea away.

"Giulia." He said, resisting the urge to pull her to him. "There is a lot you don't know about me."

"Because you don't let anybody in." She snapped back. "You keep yourself at arm's length all the time. Anytime I try to get close, you retreat. I want you to let me in, Mattias. You won't scare me away."

"I have a history Giulia. And it is longer than yours because I am older than you. A lot older. You're in a different stage of life from me. I won't be the person that takes it from you."

She stiffened at this.

"So that's the card you're going to play? You're too old? Don't make me laugh. I know Mattias. I know you feel something for me; you just won't admit it to yourself. Or you won't let yourself be happy. What could you have possibly done that you won't allow yourself to find any shred of happiness?"

"I find joy in my work." He said weakly.

"That's not the same thing, and you know it." She snapped.

Mattias hung his head down. He couldn't take much more of this.

"I'm sorry, Giulia. I really am."

And he went back inside, leaving her in the frigid night air.


Alberto POV

Alberto woke just before the sun broke over the horizon. The sky was a light blue with grey snow clouds. He sat up and cringed as his neck gave a painful spasm. He had fallen asleep on the couch. Luca was still asleep against his arm. There was snow trailed into the living room.

"Someone must have been on the porch." He thought it might be Eshe since she was the least bothered by the cold.

He stood up, simultaneously folding Luca into his arms. Luca groaned and wrapped his hands sleepily around Alberto's neck. His head slumped against Alberto's chest.

Alberto smiled down at him, kissing him on the forehead. He carried Luca up the stairs and to their room. He set Luca down gently on the bed, where he immediately rolled over, pulling the covers over himself. He was still and breathing deeply in seconds.

Alberto took his shirt off before climbing in with him. It was too hot in this room for his taste. He pulled Luca closed, spooning his small frame.

He fell asleep with the smell of the Sea, mixed with Storm in his nose—a Hurricane.


Luca POV

Luca woke to the feeling of deep, even breathes on his neck. He felt Alberto's arm wrapped around him, his bare chest against Luca's back. For a moment, Luca was startled, unsure of how he got there and... unused to having someone hold him this way.

Even though they were mates and had already.... consummated, Luca still didn't know where to draw the line. How much was too much? And how did he express his feelings and desires? He knew how to talk to Alberto, his best friend. But he was still learning how to talk to Alberto, his mate.

Hurricane - Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant