Chapter 4

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Thank you to _Chooarts_ for this emotional piece!

Luca POV

They drove through the night and into the next day. About halfway, Mattias switched with Giulia after making sure Alberto was out of immediate danger.

Alberto hadn't stirred the entire drive, but Luca felt like he had a little color in his face after Mattias was done with him.

It was just before noon when Mattias turned off the main road and down a country path.

"Where are we going?" Luca yawned. Giulia was asleep in the back. Eshe was wide awake. She hadn't shown any signs of weariness the entire journey.

"One of my family's summer homes. It's a lake house by lake Como. It's been out of use for a few weeks since summer is over. Nobody will find us there." Mattias said, rubbing his temples. He looked more tired than anyone.

"Why would nobody find us there? What makes it so safe?" Luca asked.

"Because it's landlocked. You don't go hunting Sireni away from the ocean."

Luca was surprised to hear this. He had never been away from the ocean. Even Genova overlooked the sea. He wasn't sure how he felt about it.

"Won't your family realize you're there?" Luca said, realizing he knew very little about Mattias.

"I haven't spoken to them in years. And they have dozens of different vacation homes for the winter. Only the servants will be there."

"Servants!?" Giulia's voice piped up from the back.

Mattias sighed. He clearly wasn't a fan of his family's wealth.

After driving down a gravel path for thirty minutes, the summer home came into view.

Both Giulia and Luca gasped.

Luca had expected a small country house. Instead, they were looking at a multimillion-dollar mansion. The main house had giant glass walls and a perfectly manicured lawn.

Luca could see a pool balcony hanging on the second floor of the mansion. The grounds were just as impressive as the house. Vast gardens stretched all around. There was a tennis court, archery range, running track, and even a barn with what Luca suspected were horses inside.

"You said your family has more of these places?" Giulia asked, gaping out the window.

"Don't remind me," Mattias grumbled.

They parked the van in the garage where several sports cars sat unused.

Mattias immediately went to work, pulling the gurney out of the van and rolling Alberto inside. Luca didn't have time to appreciate the magnificence of the home's interior while they set Alberto up in an empty room.

Mattias pulled all the medical equipment from the van attaching Alberto to a heart monitor and a secondary IV drip.

"There are over a dozen rooms you can all choose from. Pick one you like and get comfortable. I think we will be here for a while." Mattias said, organizing syringes on the dresser.

"I'd like to stay here with him if that's ok," Luca said, already pulling a chair next to Alberto's bed.

"That's fine. I'll have someone bring another bed in here for you."

Luca had spotted a couple of the workers on the estate as they walked in. They all seemed delighted to see Mattias. Luca was impressed that Mattias was able to greet them all by name.

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