Chapter 9

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TW in the description
Thank you to hobbicatto for the art!

Alberto POV

Alberto woke the next morning to the sun beating on his eyes. He blinked and sat up, moving away from the patch of light coming through the window. There was a dull throbbing on the side of his head. Alberto reached to touch it but winced as he felt the large bump. That's where Eshe hit him.

He looked down to see Luca curled beside him on the floor. The dying embers burned in the fireplace, still strong enough to put out a pleasant heat.

Alberto smiled. Just seeing Luca next to him, knowing they held each other through the night... it made him feel something so profound he couldn't put it into words.

It was just that. A feeling. One he would harbor for Luca for the rest of his life.

He stood, his muscles sore from sleeping on the hard floor. His bare chest was slightly cold.

"Luca." He whispered into Luca's ear. "Let's move to the bed."

Luca groaned and didn't move. Alberto rolled his eyes and bent to pick him up.

"He's so light." Alberto thought.

Luca wrapped his arms around Alberto's neck, mumbling sleepily.

"Don't go." He said.

Alberto smiled and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm not going."

He carried Luca to the bed, setting him down on the soft mattress. Then Alberto crawled in beside him, pulling the thick comforter over them both. Luca blinked open his eyes. Alberto noticed they were a bit puffy from the night before.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"Too early to get up," Alberto replied. "Come here." He said, reaching for Luca. They moved closer, sharing each other's body heat.

"You smell good," Luca said into Alberto's chest. "But it's different."

"Do you like it?" Alberto asked, feeling Luca's cheek pressed against his chest.

Luca nodded.

"I do."

They must have fallen back to sleep because the next thing Alberto knew, there was a light knock on their door.


It was Giulia. Her voice was timid.

"Yes?" Alberto called back.

"We have lunch ready.... whenever you want to come down."

"Thank you," Alberto said, then heard her footsteps go down the stairs.

He had been dreading facing them. Facing what he did last night. A sickening knot formed in his stomach. Luca must have read his mind because he looked up at Alberto.

"Hey. It's going to be ok." He said, touching Alberto's cheek.

"I just... I don't even know where to begin. It was terrible, Luca."

"They will understand."

They pressed their foreheads together, breathing each other in.

Then Alberto let out a sigh.

"Let's get this over with." He said miserably.

They stood and made their way downstairs. Alberto retrieved a shirt from his room before entering the kitchen. Giulia prepared plain tuna sandwiches for them with cucumber and tomatoes sandwich options for Luca.

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