Burning Memories

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(Anyway sorry for the grammar being shitter than usual in advance)

Y/N had walked out of Jack Walten's office, yeah their date to the carnival got cut short.

Due to Edd and Molly somehow breaking multiple arcade machines, yeah it was something the twins were seemingly cursed with seemingly breaking everything in sight
"Are we in trouble…" Edd asked in his typical low voice, "Of course we are Edd!" Molly replied holding the extremely tall push being, a gray rabbit y/n got down and just sighed before saying "insert response here”.

Of course, the moment y/n took their eyes off the twins of chaos, was the exact moment the troublemakers left. “Did they just? Jack, do all your kids teleport or just Sophie?”

“Umm well, there hyperactive you could say,” Jack said exiting his office starting to wipe a kiss mark off his face “pretty sure there's a difference between hyperactive and a destructive force” y/n replied, before walking out to the dining area to find the troublemakers.

Jack had gone in a separate direction to find his children, Y/n however then made their way to the stage, “Edd? Molly?” they yelled before noticing the animatronics were missing. Not only that but the stage was closed, then again not many kids were there
approaching the empty stage crawling on top of it before standing up leading to the backstage area.

Once entered y/n had seen the showstoppers seemingly in a damaged state they had caught a glance at Felix, being one of the three figures trying to fix them. Assuming Felix had already bad-mouthed them to the other two they went back to searching for the Walten twins.

Bringing them back to the dining area the two giggling...oddly enough the eyes of Molly's rabbit had moved before they could comment however Jack had made his appearance "oh good they've been found Heh who's ready for there party tonight huh?" Jack said with his typical outstretched smile, y/n having no prior knowledge just awkwardly smiling.

Later that day Jack and y/n reunited at his home Sophie, her wooden mask not fixed upon her face, was sitting on the stairs rubbing the side of her face she had to go to the dentist that night of course. In the living room, Rosemary was watching another horror film. Of course Edd and Molly were in their room.

Leaving jack and y/n in his room by themselves

(that’s right kiddies I have decided to just skip to bunny farm lol eh sorry this was a bit shorter my guess is I'll have y/n be along for Felix’s wild ride and eventual crash)

(and to all Charles and Susan fans i am sorry)

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