31: Tears Come From The Heart, Not The Brain

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The black haired teen took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, squeezing the bridge of his nose for a while before standing, causing the 16 year old girl stand back.

He exhaled deeply, his chest rose and came back down, from there he breathed normally. Will straightened his black shirt that hugged his body.

He then walked to the girl to hold her trembling hands in his, "I let my anger get the best of me." he kissed her delicate hands a couple times before continuing, "Thank you for not leaving me because of it Y/n."

A strand of loose hair from the girl was placed behind her ear. The eyes she feared a moment ago, the eyes that was filled with hatred and anger now looked at her lovingly.

Will gently took her chin with his pointer and thumb finger and lifted her face to look into his eyes, "You're just the sweetest angel aren't you?"

Y/n stayed quiet as to not set him off again, especially with him being this close.

Will placed a kiss of her forehead that she unintentionally leaned into.

"Its okay Y/n. I won't hurt you, you know that." Will paused, "Don't you?"

Nodding weakly, she smiled slightly causing him to immediately grin, "There's that smile I love."

For a 17 year old he sure had a way with words, he knew exactly what to say to have her melt like putty in his hands.

"I should clean this up before my dad gets home." Y/n muttered looking at the sharp fragments on the floor.

Like his reality switched was turned on he looked to floor as well, "Yes of course. I'll help you, beautiful."

It was the least he could do anyway.

He couldn't sweet talk his way out of everything and Will knew that, actions did speak louder than words.

After the cleaning, Y/n threw the shards in the bin and turned to see Will standing behind her from a distance, his hands lazily tucked in the pocket of his sweats.

Will was an attractive male, it was hard to deny. Every girl at their school waited for the moment he would become single to throw themselves at him, that didn't stop some girls from throwing themselves at him even when he was clearly in the relationship however.

Even when Y/n met Will at first she didn't bow at his feet like any other desperate person. Will himself was shocked when Y/n didn't know who he was when they first crashed into each other.

The h/c haired girl just apologized over and over whilst picking up the books she made him drop on accident. Y/n handed him the books with a smile, not before apologizing again and then walked away.

From then and there he couldn't stop thinking about her. He had to have her.

Its always the girl who want nothing to do with guy that gets their attention the most.

After throwing the last pieces of the glass into the bin, Y/n walked to Will and wrapped her arms around his torso. Immediately he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his face in her hair, inhaling the sweet intoxicating scent of what wash she used that he couldn't get enough of.

Even after the way he treated her in times like this, she kept going back to him. What she didn't know it was just false comfort and Will's was addicting.

Like a drug that calls out to you, a bothering urge to do it again and then it comes back so you do it again till you're in too deep to stop.

But how could she say no to that face? The face that she had grown to admire, the hands that held hers like if it was his lifeline, the eyes that gazed at her features like it was the greatest art he'd ever seen and the lips that whispered sweet nothings and kissed her softly.

Oh how he had her wrapped around his dainty little finger.

After all, everyone had their ups and downs right?

Everyone had that one trait. Who was she to walk out on him just because he was mad?

Or was she that desperate for romance?

For someone to be there to wipe her tears, hold her when she was stressed, for someone to dance in the rain with her, someone to tell her everything would be okay and to tell her she was beautiful.

Boy oh boy, young love. The most spirited yet the most dangerous.

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