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TW: talk of nightmares, panic

Bold and Italics are the voices

I patted the space beside me, giving Ranboo a small smile. Ranboo made his way over, his feet covered with black socks.

"Gods Freya, I was so worried" he breathed out. "I heard you're screaming from my chambers," he whispered. I took his gloved hand with both of my own.

"What happened, after I started screaming?" I asked, genuinely curious. Ranboo swallowed, worrying his bottom lip.

"Well..." he started "Phil ran out of his room, you were in front of it you know" he started. I nodded. "Wilbur followed, he was there a second after Phil" Ranboo continued. "I only saw Phil carry you into your chambers, you were screaming and crying so loudly" he explained, his voice going soft at the last part. I shuddered.

"Kristin forced Tommy and Tubbo downstairs into the garden, but she let me stay upstairs" he added. I fiddled with the crystal on his neck. "Phil refused to let anyone into the room, he went as far as to lock the door" he stated.

"Techno came out to, oddly enough, he looked panicked" Ranboo informed me. "He sat on the stairs the whole time, muttering to himself" Ranboo added, looking at me slowly.

I sighed, he knew.

Kill the halfling

He's dangerous

"Techno has them too doesn't he?" he asked in a hushed voice. I hesitated. It wasn't exactly my secret to tell. Ranboo noted my expression. "You don't have to tell me, he'll do it himself if he trusts me" Ranboo added quickly.

I nodded. "Anyway, I stayed with Wilbur, he was really scared for you, he had no idea what happened" Ranboo started again after a minute. "I didn't tell him, just said you probably had a nightmare," he reassured me, squeezing my hand. "Anyway, Phil stayed with you the whole time and now, you're awake" he concluded.

I sagged against the golden headboard of the bed.

"Well, what an eventful start to a morning" I stated sarcastically, massaging my temples. Ranboo rolled his eyes, not finding my humor very funny. I stretched, rolling my shoulder back.

"Breakfast is being served in a few minutes, I'll wait for you outside okay?" Ranboo stated. I nodded, thanking him. He left the room and I was left to my own thoughts.

The voices hummed, they were not talking for once.

I got out of the sweaty black dress and changed into another dress. A light blue dress with white edges and gold detailing. I quickly did up my boots, Phil had most likely taken them off as I slept.

I did my hair into a tight braid, tying a gold strand into the plait. I put on a simple pair of golden hooped earrings, put my gloves on, and double-checked that my dagger was strapped to my thigh. I grabbed two other knives, tiny, but deadly, so small that they could fit into the crevices of my dress.

With a look in the mirror, I decided to apply a bit on concealer, covering the dark circles under my eyes well enough.

I opened the door, and as promised, Ranboo was stationed outside my door.

"That was rather quick," Ranboo remarked. I gave him a sideways smile, following him into the kitchen.

The voices were silent, thank the gods.

Ranboo opened the door to the dining hall.

Wilbur stood up when I walked in, engulfing me in a tight hug. I hugged him back, grateful.

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