Falling at Your Feet

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MA- non/con warning. She consented to the spell, but not at all to what she'll be doing in the spell. Might be triggering. Snape's a damaged dude. Not a cool chapter, I know. But moving our plot forward as Rhiannon confronts the harsh reality of the Dark Arts.

Chapter title from "Say That You Love Me" by Fleetwood Mac

Rhiannon followed Severus to his rooms rather morosely, already disliking the detached, floating sensation she felt as he separated her from her will. He was allowing her to feel the intense dislike purposely in order to punish her; she was fairly sure he could manipulate her perception too if he desired, but he clearly wanted to prove a point.

They moved swiftly to his bedroom, his fingers digging deeply into her upper arm.

"On the floor," Snape commanded, more for effect than anything else, as he had already sent her crashing onto it. Rhiannon began undressing herself automatically, shivering on the cold stone without the benefit of a fire. Her wand fell a few feet away from her, buried with the heaping skirts of her gown, useless to her of course. Snape left it there right within her reach, tempting her with the impossibility.

Behind the unsettling feeling was the knowledge that if he had simply made this about sex as she had originally requested, Rhiannon would be enjoying the hell out of herself right now. But he had humiliated her on one of the most important nights of her life— undermined her future authority with the students, and caused her fellow staff members to disapprove of her.

"The lesson to be had, my lovely, obedient whore, is that surrendering your mind is entirely different from surrendering your body. You must protect the mind at all costs and not allow it to be exploited. You want to ask a question?"

Rhiannon nodded meekly, and Snape permitted her voice to speak. "Will you be teaching me to defend against this?"

Snape crouched down to her level and pressed a kiss to her mouth. "Already regretting your decision, I see. Yes, my love, I will see to it you are never in this position again, as soon as I am finished." His eyes turned cold as stone as he stood once again, wand in hand. His height seemed to grow taller with the power he held, his whole stance triumphant and menacing as he took out his wand. Rhiannon felt the urge to beg, but he had silenced her once again.

Her helplessness was suddenly compounded as Snape added Legilimency into the mix, calling forth what felt like an entire library catalog of memories, each one featuring her and Sirius in some kind of compromising position. Her mind twisted to fight, but it was pointless. The memories he brought forward weren't just snippets of images like he normally saw during Occlumency lessons; no, these were full episodes like chapters in a smutty novel.

Snape took a seat on his bed and laid back, leaving her still cold and naked on the floor. Rhiannon wanted to cry, scream, even attack him— but she could only watch his reactions, mortified. He might as well have been watching porn, leaning back with a a tv remote in hand instead of a wand. She watched as his face contorted into an emotion that rode the fine line between disgust and pleasure, and he slowly unzipped his trousers, removing his swollen cock and attending to it with long, forceful strokes.

Rhiannon tried to look away but felt her face forcibly jerked forward. In her mind's eye she saw the marathon night following her and Sirius's engagement party, specifically the moment where he had grabbed her by her hair teasingly and pushed her down to suck him. It was the first and only time they had engaged in that particular act. Sirius was massive, a fact she was sure Snape took note of. She watched herself as if onscreen, her eyes closed, her tongue glistening as it glided over Sirius's hard member. Sirius's gasps and moans filled her ears, now mingling with Severus's as his strokes grew more hurried. The sound struck her ears more excruciatingly than that of shrieking mandrakes, and she wanted nothing more than to escape.

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