Wouldn't You Love to Love Her

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Hope you're enjoying the story so far! This chapter starts to veer into "Mature" territory, with the following chapter even more so. Sirius fans will enjoy, as their relationship is hot and heavy pretty early on. But hang with me for the slow burn, Severus fans. It just fits their personalities better that way, right? Hope you'll fall in love with them both as much as I have.

Chapter title is from "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac
Sirius woke up in his fourth-floor bedroom at Grimmauld Place to a blood curdling scream. He sat up and instinctively grabbed his wand, panting as he looked around. "Damn it, Mother!" he shouted when he realized it was only the portrait of Walburga Black, screeching her disapproval of the house's mixed blood guests, now including Rhiannon. Or so he thought. He realized no one in the Order had pressed Dumbledore for information on Rhiannon's mother, though it obviously begged several questions. Whoever she was, she must have been beautiful, Sirius thought, memories of the young witch sleeping three floors below him filling his mind.

His normal morning arousal overtook him tenfold as he pictured her curvaceous figure, emerald eyes, and smooth creamy skin. If someone had told him 24 hours ago that he would be hot for Lord Voldemort's offspring, he would have recommended them for admittance to St. Mungo's. The whole summer lay ahead of them before she left for Hogwarts, and Sirius intended to make the most of it. And he still hadn't given up on changing Dumbledore's mind regarding the plans for her. Snivellus wouldn't have the first clue what to do with all that beauty and magical prowess. Sirius could see it going one of two ways— either the greasy bat would be a disgusting lecher, causing Rhiannon to be on constant defense against his advances, or he would completely ignore the perfect goddess of a witch sharing his quarters and keep his giant nose buried in books and cauldrons the entire time.

Sirius had every clue what to do with her, and he ran through several of the scenarios in his head while taking care his sudden urgent need.

There, that's better, he thought. If he went downstairs like that he'd probably frighten her. Rhiannon was the type of girl that was worth the long game, and Sirius was ready to get started.

"Kreacher!" he summoned impatiently, absolutely hating that he was stuck with such an impertinent, obstinate, and downright bigoted house elf. That was one of the many reasons why Sirius had delayed returning to his childhood home. Only when it became necessary for the Order to have a secure meeting place did he finally agree, though he did wonder how secure it actually was with such a disloyal creature spying on his every move.

"Master?" Kreacher spat, as if the word tasted bad on the tongue.

"Make a hearty breakfast for the house this morning. And see to it that Miss Aspenfell has anything she desires. Has she awakened yet?"

"Mudblood is still sleeping, sir."

"Fuck, Kreacher, if I hear that word one more time, I'll..." he didn't get to finish before Kreacher disappeared with a snap.

Sirius continued cursing under his breath as he began freshening up, selecting a crisp, light blue shirt with a brown suede jacket and khaki slacks. He smiled as he saw his reflection, endlessly thankful that his shaggy Azkaban dog days were over. Even though he was homebound for the time being, looking his best made him feel good.

Sirius checked in on Buckbeak, the hippogriff taking up residence in his parents' former bedroom, making sure he had his breakfast. Buckbeak had been his only companion for over a year, having been crucial to Sirius's escape after Snape had discovered the runaway prisoner's presence at Hogwarts. Snape would have sent him on a one way ticket back with a few curses for the road and the seal of the Dementors' Kiss, if Buckbeak hadn't been there to fly Sirius away. He owed this creature more than just a warm bedroom and three meals a day, but for now that's the best Sirius could do.

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