3. date

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"Do you want to meet up after the football game tonight? Stay back for a bit after everyone's gone, and we'll recognise each other," Niki read aloud from the slip of paper he was holding.

Heeseung and Jay could barely believe their ears, and Niki was absolutely ecstatic.

"You have to show up today, Niki. Go on a date with Sunoo," Heeseung encouraged.

"Obviously I'm going, I'm not just going to ghost the guy I've been crushing on, am I?"

That evening, Sunoo watched the game very restlessly, often fidgeting with the hem of his blue shirt. His eyes kept scanning the crowd for any signs of Leeyoung and he was immensely disappointed when he didn't find him.

"Maybe I should just go home..." He sighed, turning to get up after everyone had left.

Niki just then decided to approach Sunoo. "Hey, Sunoo?" He called out awkwardly. He cringed at how shaky and nervous his voice sounded. Sunoo flipped his head around and saw Niki. He felt his breath stop for a moment, captivated by his beauty. Purple hair, shiny eyes, and a beautiful childlike smile. He wore an oversized beige sweatshirt paired with baggy black jeans and a small chain on the belt loops of the left side. Hot, Sunoo thought before shaking his thoughts away and regaining his composure. "...hi?"

"I'm Niki? I got your letters..." How did he know about the letters? Who was he? That's when it struck him. He must've repeatedly put the letters in the wrong locker and got replies from this guy.

"Oh! Of course!" Sunoo didn't know how to explain the misunderstanding, so he was forced to play along. He realised how supremely fucked up his situation was; he had to pretend to like this (extremely attractive) Niki person, which wouldn't be too hard, considering he was real eye candy.

"So... Wanna go get coffee?" Soon they found themselves sitting opposite each other in a cafe not very far from their school.

They began their conversations with brief, awkward introductions before they started to get used to each other and talk casually.

All the while, though Sunoo wore a mask of a sunshiney, smiling face, guilt pulled at his heart, for he knew he was doing something wrong by leading Niki on. He couldn't bring himself to tell Niki, though. The younger boy just looked too doe-eyed and exuberant for Sunoo to burst his bubble.

Wait, why did he care so much about this guy? What was it to him whether he laughed or cried?

It was mostly Niki doing the talking, which was fine by Sunoo. His voice was pleasant to listen to, and it soothed Sunoo a little bit.

As soon as Sunoo got home from his "date", he sighed and flopped down on his bed. His thoughts raced like bullet trains in his head, and his eyes felt heavy. He was extremely conflicted. How was he going to tell Niki?

His eyes filled up with tears. He had so excitedly and carefully done his whole love letter mission and was now crestfallen that it didn't work. Instead of catching the attention of his crush, Leeyoung, he had captured Niki, a guy who seemed to madly be in love with him.

What was he to do?

In his daze, he picked up his phone and called Jungwon.


"Jungwon," Sunoo sighed hoarsely, blinking back tears, "I need help."

"Are you okay, Sunoo?"

"I went on the date."

"Oh right! How'd it go?"


" What happened?" Jungwon asked.

"The guy who got all the letters wasn't even Leeyoung!" Sunoo sobbed, uncontrollable tears streaking his cheeks.

"What? I'm confused. What do you mean?"

Sunoo hiccuped and wailed, "I put the coffees in the wrong locker!"

"Oh my god." Jungwon could barely believe his ears. "Should I come over, Sunoo?"

Jungwon was someone you'd consider a true friend no matter what. He was willing to go out and meet Sunoo at such an ungodly hour to console him.

"if you want to," Sunoo sniffled. Jungwon knew that meant yes, so he told the older boy to hang on for a bit until he reached there.

Soon, Jungwon sat cooing soothing words into Sunoos ear while he cried and sobbed in a wrecked mess.

"Sleep on it, Sunoo. It's a hard decision, but you should be able to come to a conclusion when your mind is clearer."

By this time, Sunoo's crying had died down, and he had somewhat composed himself.

"I'm going to have to get going, Sunoo. I'll call you tomorrow, alright? Get some rest."

Jungwon hugged Sunoo really tight one last time before he walked out of the door.

Sunoo flopped back on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He felt sleep place a familiar weight on his eyelids and he curled up into a ball, still troubled by the events of the long day behind him.



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Double update! <3

I'm so scared lmao what if I can't finish this before I go back??

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