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Jake with full of optimism and confidence walked towards the auditorium only to see that it started to falter as steps gone by

People keep on looking at him and made him very conscious

"Why is everybody looking at me? Do I have a stain on my Jacket? Is there something wrong with me?" Jake's mind was filled with lots of questions doubting about himself

Oh how wish he could here what are they saying

While Jake's head was filled with negative thoughts, what people are actually talking about his quite the opposite

"Is he that viral popular student from the Forum? Oh my god I would junp myself towards him"

"He hawt makes me wanna coop him up and spoil him rotten"

"He looks like a dog, omg I wanna cuddle with him"

That's what pretty much on what the girls are talking about while guys are just pretty much jealous, if they have the beauty like him, they would use it to their advantage

Jake reached the auditorium on where there are lots of students from different courses all huddled up on a one big auditorium room

As Jake looks around to find himself a seat until he was tapped by someone


I turned my head around to see two people and my gaydar tingled *a bit*

One, who looks like a bunny, while the second...

"Definitely a very confident gay" I muttered to myself

"Hello! My Name is Jungwon! Let's be friends!" The bunny looking guy named Jungwon beamed

I want to faint his smile is bright as hell. I might get blind if this continues

"Hello, my name is Jake!" I smiled

Jungwon looked at me and then whispered at the guy beside him, I couldn't hear what they are talking about with both of them nodding at each other

"Hi my name is Sunoo, we'll be great besties come on let's go!" Sunoo grab mine and Jungwon's hand and dragged us to the front on which there are three people who are sitting down.

"Hey you raunchy ass warlocks get out, you ain't pretty like us, get out of our graces!" Sunoo snapped towards those three people

"Don't you know who we are? Can't you see our ID's?!" The man grabbed and shown his ID right through our faces

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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