2: friends

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"I'm Chaeyoung."

wow. just wow.

The amount of awkwardness was just too much, so I thought of breaking it.

"o-oh...a nice name you've got" i said nervously, trying to pick up a good conversation but seems like the girl didn't want it.

she ignored me...? rude.

time skip

panting endlessly, i sprinted towards my locker to find something important. we aren't close enough to talk personals.

before reaching my locker, I was welcomed by the sight of two girls, one of which i saw back in the class, standing there in front of my locker talking to each other.

wait...they aren't talking.

they are vandalizing my locker. damn it.

Even though I wanted to punch them across their faces, I stopped myself and wanted to talk it out peacefully.

"u-um, could you both m-move aside please?"

ugh. why do i always have to stutter.

before I could continue, I got cut off by the black-haired girl who was arguing with the blonde one, back at class.

"what if i say no." she blurted out nonchalantly as if she wasn't asking me, rather ordering me.

"aren't you the new girl anyways?..."

she spoke in a rather sassy tone, which made me gag at the sight. what have i even done? is she jealous? probably yes.

after saying all that, she started moving towards me, in a creepy manner, which crepped the heck out of me. The more she was walking towards me, the more I walked backwards. Until...I felt the cold surface of the wall hitting my back.

It sent shivers down my spine. Is this a k-drama?

eww no. I want this to happen to me with someone I love. not this witch. heck no.

she started speaking again, in her high-pitched voice.

"so...do you think guys would fall for you so easily? don't think of yourself as some heartthrob or somethin' ok? cuz anyways i'm better than you and will always be. understood?"

Moments after speaking in her rather high-pitched voice, her voice changed to an eerie tone, which was extremely low and creepy. I wanted to die by now. Please. I wanna get out of her hold.

seems like luck was on my side.

"sara. are you perhaps falling for the hundredth girl on this campus?"

A voice, a feminine one, spoke beside us breaking our so-called heated up conversation. I saw the black-haired girl. Sara, rolled her eyes at the sight of the girl who was now speaking.

"just go away lisa. You already know we aren't on good terms, don't you?"

Lisa. She's beautiful to be honest.

"but the way you walk and talk with selective girls makes me wonder about your sexuality. they weren't wrong when they said that, with your bitchy personality, comes your unpredictable sexuality." she scoffed after saying that.

Sara's face turned a bright shade of red, literal balls of steam escaping her ears out of rage.

Not even a moment had passed, when suddenly another voice, a cold one, spoke between us.

that voice. I've heard it somewhere. is it-

"Ugh. another troublesome chick. Rosie stop it. You both...are jealous isn't it? Always following me wherever I go and whoever I talk to. tsk. just-"

"first off, it's chaeyoung for you. secondly, who would be jealous of a someone so bratty like you, huh?"

the blonde girl spoke. Chaeyoung. Rosie. ugh it's confusing. her cold voice was confusing me even more. can she not talk normally, or does she not know how to?

"i'll be back honey. my words were clear enough for you, right?"

Sara spoke making me move out of my trance. This time her voice was cold, cold enough to make me want to die then and there.

But before I could get any more pessimistic, the Lisa girl spoke to me.

"aren't you gonna eat? it's breakfast time."

She spoke ever so sweetly.

oh shit. it was breakfast right now.

plus, i forgot what i came for. the personal thing, which i ain't gonna share cuz we aren't close enough.

"o-oh yeah...it crossed my m-mind hehe"

I spoke nervously because this was my first time speaking to a student apart from the blonde girl and the brat.

Without asking any further questions, I turned my feet and started walking towards godknowswhere.

"do you even know where you're going?"

ugh not again. that voice. so cold.

"do i? hehe I think I don-"

Before I could embarrass myself further, Lisa spoke again, cutting me off.

"then follow us. You know what? You can stay with us till you get familiar around the school and the brats studying here."

well who could say no to an offer like this.

"y-yeah..sure I'd love to!"

"you don't need to stutter bestie"

bestie. why is she so sweet?!

"are you both planning on coming soon?"

"Rosie, yes we are."

Her cold voice and behavior is just too much to handle. God knows when I'll be able to adapt to that. Tsk.

But she feels different. Captivating.

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