"Fun, isn't it?" She had the feeling that he had never done anything so 'immature' before. "C'mon, I'll show you how to make snow angels. Some of the muggle children taught me a few years back."

Draco nearly burst out laughing at the sight of Ginny jumping on her back into the snow and moving her arms and legs. When she got up, there was indeed a snow angel, but it was distorted by the handprints in the snow when she leaned on them to get up. She frowned.

Draco laughed. "Do it again, and I'll help you up."

She did so, and as Draco grasped her hands to pull her up, she looked over her shoulder at a perfect snow angel.


Ginny looked at Harry's worried face and blushed, embarrassed to be caught thinking of Draco yet again. This would not have been the first time she had done so since they started dating. "What?"

"You just looked – never mind." How could he say that she looked so far away from him? Like she was in a different world. Like she wasn't his anymore.

Ginny stared out the window again.

Ginny packed a handful of snow as she hid behind a tree. Draco was in sight, doing the same exact thing. As he stooped to gather the snow, Ginny let her snowball fly. Years of practice with her brothers had caused the snowball to hit Draco squarely on the head. He looked up, shaking snow out of his hair, to see her black coat swish around as she took off running.

He smirked and called, "You just run, because I'm going to catch you!"

Ginny screamed in protest as Draco tackled her from behind, wrapping his arms around her middle, rolling with her over and over in the snow. Trapping her under his arms, he smirked. "What did I tell you?"

Her hat had fallen off when she ran, and her dark red hair fanned out around her head, seeming to cast an ethereal glow around her face. It was such a contrast to the white sparkling snow that Draco paused momentarily in his victory. He stared into Ginny's warm brown eyes.

Ginny struggled, trying to put snow down his shirt, "Let me go Draco!" and Draco kissed her, brushing away the snow on her cheek. Ginny couldn't protest. She simply kissed him back.

Life was great.


But of course, it wasn't perfect. Sometimes it seemed that they never agreed on anything. One such day, Ginny returned to her flat later than usual, not expecting a sullen looking Draco at her front door.

"Where were you?"

Ginny looked at Draco. "At Harry's." Harry was the best man, naturally, Hermione, the perfectionist, needed Ginny there with her occasionally when she went over plans with him.

Draco practically growled. "Why?"

Ginny never expected Draco to react so violently. "For Hermione and Ron's wedding."

"Did you have to take so bloody long?"

"Why are you so grouchy?"

"You just spent the whole evening at Potter's." He spat the name. "How am I supposed to feel?" Draco looked away, his eyes flashing dangerously.

Ginny tried to understand. Then it occurred to her that Draco could be jealous. She voiced the thought, "Are you jealous of Harry?"

"I'm not jealous." Draco muttered. But all he could remember were images of Harry and Ginny at Hogwarts, walking through corridors holding hands, laughing and joyful.

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