She licks my cheek in return and I laugh which soon turned into a cry of pain. "Oh my God!"

"Okay, let's go." Ian says in panic, taking my hand and slowly helping me up. He takes my hand in his and wraps his other arm around my body to secure me. We carefully walk over to the door and head over to the car.

Ian opens the car door for me and slowly puts me in my seat. He runs all the way to the other side and turns on the engine, leaving with the car almost immediately.

The whole way there was filled with me huffing and puffing in pain, Ian going slightly over the speed limit and a 24 minute car drive.

Right when we got to the hospital Ian parked right in front of the doors and helped me out, leading me carefully inside the hospital.

"Excuse me? Can someone take my fiancé, her water broke!" Ian says loudly as we walk into the entrance.

"How many centimetres dilated are you, ma'am." A short blonde haired girl in what seems like her mid thirties asks me behind the front desk.

"I'm not sure." I sigh out heavily. I moan out in agony as my head leans itself into Ian's shoulder, another contraction hitting. "Pleeease! Get me into a room, this is so painful!"

A nurse comes rushing over to me with a wheelchair. "Can I get a name ma'am?"

"Tessa." I breathe out as her and Ian slowly place me on the chair. "Tessa Rose. Ughhh!"

The nurse who brought me the wheelchair turns to the lady behind the counter. "Malinda, call doctor Nelson to room 116, she's definitely giving birth."

"On it." She nods immediately doing what she was told.

The nurse thanks her before she begins wheeling me to my room. Ian walks by my side, holding my hand the whole way.

Thankfully the room wasn't too far, only a hall to the left and as soon as I know it I was laid down on a hospital bed.

- -

It's been 12 minutes, I think, and still no doctor. The nurse had left a bit ago and so Ian had helped me get undressed and changed into the hospital gown. Now, I have IV's and other needles in both my arms and Ian sat beside my bed, holding my left hand. The pain is unbearable when the contractions come every 7 or so minutes.

Just then, a middle-aged doctor comes in with a clipboard in hand. "Ms. Rose?"

"That's me." I breathe out, in the middle of a contraction. 

"Hi, I'm doctor Ray and I will be delivering your daughter today."

I furrow my brows. "But I still have over a month left. She was supposed to come April 21st."

"Yes, well I'm sorry to inform you Ms. Rose but I was taking a look at the monitor and your water broke too early during the pregnancy, you have PPROM what only 3 out of 100 pregnant women get."

I put my free hand over my mouth as I look over at Ian. "Oh my God. Ian I'm freaking out, I- I don't know what to do..."

"Ms. Rose, were you informed that you have been having a history of high blood pressure throughout your pregnancy?"

Love Conquers All ~ Continuation of Ian Somerhalder Instagram Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now