•t h i r t y f o u r•

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"Well, we should definitely do that Mari but right now, you've got to see this house Yara. It's got your name written all over it." Payton's excitement filled the room just as the front door opened again and in walked Uncle Greg and Aunt Denise.

"This house is beautiful" Denise exclaimed while Gregory just gave a look of approval. He was trying to figure out how much this would all cost. Was Yara making this much money?

"Right? Come on guys, let me show you the kitchen."

Payton clapped excitedly as she led the family tour. First taking them into the kitchen, dining room, home office and then the living spaces. Yara couldn't believe how perfect it all seemed. The home wasn't huge, but it was sizeable and it offered a lot of space to grow a family and host her large one as well as Quincy's. Payton took them upstairs next to the master bedroom and the other 6 bedrooms in the house and by the time they made it to the backyard where they all scattered, Yara was certain that she wanted to bid on this home.

"What do you think?" Payton asked as she looked expectantly at both Yara and Quincy.

"I think it's amazing Payton, what's the list price?"

"Well, the house is listed for 3 million, however with the market being what it is the owners are open to 2.5 million. They're anxious to get some return on investment."

Yara glanced at Quincy, she could definitely see herself being able to make that payment, but it would put a bit of a strain on her finances. Quincy however seemed unfazed by the price, looking at Yara, he took in her expression.

"Is this what you want Ya?"

"I mean, I can't think of anything that would be better honestly. This house is beautiful."

"Alright then, it's going to be ours. Payton put in the offer right now."

Payton beamed, turning on her heels she dialed away on her phone and disappeared into the home. Yara looked at Quincy bewildered in her absence.

"Just like that Q? We need to discuss how we're splitting this, or if we're splitting this."

"We're not, Yara if this is what you want, this is what you'll get. Besides, I can see us raising a family here. I can see Jahi growing up in this home and that's what you want right?"

Q wrapped his arms around Yara and kissed her forehead as well as Jahi's. The little boy had fallen asleep against his mother's chest after they'd hit the third bedroom.

"Yes, that's what I want, but you're not taking this all on your own, we'll split the price. Both our names will be on this house."

"Nah, both our names will be on it but we're not splitting it. If you insist on having financial input then when it comes down to decorating I'll let you have it but you're not paying for this house Yara. Let me provide for us."

Something in his eyes told her that she shouldn't push. Also, for some reason she felt secure with Quincy so she didn't think that he had any ulterior motives to putting his wallet on the line. He wanted her to be happy, he wanted to make her happy and she couldn't deny him that. She knew that she wanted to do the very same for him which is why she'd agreed in the first place. So, Yara simply nodded and accepted a kiss from her knight in shining armor before he disappeared into the house to check on Payton's progress.

She refocused on her son and the way he rested against her. Jahi had no idea that his father was in the wind most of the time because Quincy and Amari were always there. He knew that he was loved, and he wasn't missing out. Yara vowed to make sure he never felt different and that began with getting this house and giving him the stability of having a home, and a room with markings on the wall that documented his growth and photos that attested to the way he'd changed over the years. They were both lucky to have the means to start over and flourish.

Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Quincy BrownNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ