It took a few minutes but eventually she got them awake and they went downstairs.

A/N: Camila ended up with Noel !

She sat them at the table and started fixing their food.

Then she left the house and went to the other part.

She went on the intercom and spoke happily.

" I made breakfast, be there " and with that she left the house.

A/N: there's a main mic and intercoms in the room or whatever ..

She went to the dining room and this time the other four were there.

She started fixing her plate which wasn't much and quickly began eating.

Pretty soon the bottura's reached the dining room and sat down.

" Good morning everybody! " lorelai said and they all said it back.

( Lorelai's POV )

" All of you know each other- but this is Kaliyah " I said pointing to Kaliyah and she gave a small smile.

" hi " she said and they smiled at her.

My phone started ringing and I quickly looked to see it was my guard.

" you can tell her who you are- I'll be back " I said and stood up.

I was about to leave until Nalaya started to whine.

I picked answered the phone and went to Nalaya.

" what is it? " I asked picking her up and quickly left to the stairs.

" So we followed Ms.Taylor to a breakfast diner "

" Okay so why couldn't you text me this? "

" The pictures are sending "

I pressed on the photo that popped up and zoomed in.

It was Taylor with a girl.

Never met her before..

" Is this recent? " I asked the guard and he replied with a yes.

" Okay thank you- call me when you find out more and get me her mother's phone number " I said and hung up.

They looked like they were smiling but I'll try not to read too much into it.

I put Nalaya down and sat on the stairs.

- 2-3 mins later -

A text was sent to my phone and it was the number.

I clicked on it and called it.

After a few rings it stopped and a voice spoke.

" Hello? "

" Hi! It's Lorelai and I don't know if you remember me but- "

" Of course I remember you. " she said cutting me off and a small smile formed on my face.

We meet again IIKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat