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After a few hours of laying around and talking, a knock on the door startled you. Sam answered the door.

"Did you just wake up?" Josh asked.

"No. We've been up all day." Sam laughed.

"30 minutes to go to the bar?" Josh asked.

"Let me ask." Sam said.

"I'm invited?" You yelled, laying sideways off the bed.

"Of course." Josh said, popping his head around the corner to see you as he spoke. "You're one of us now, and I can tell you'll fit in great." He laughed gesturing to your position.

You did a backwards somersault off of the bed and walked over to the two boys. "I need to shower. Can I be late?"

"We can wait for you." Josh said.

"We're just going to a bar then coming back to hang out and play music." Sam said.

"I may be an hour." You said.

"Hour it is. I'll let them know." Josh said, shutting the door behind him.

"I'll take a shower in one of their rooms." Sam laughed. "See you soon." He said as he grabbed a change of clothes and kissed your cheek.

You decided on the tan sweater with tassel hem and a pair of flare leg pants. You jumped in the shower and couldn't help but think about what you were doing. You couldn't have ever dreamed that this would happen to anyone, let alone to you.

You blow dried your hair and grabbed your room key and knocked on Josh and Jakes door.

"Hey, Y/n. I like your shirt." Jake said.

"Thank you. A friend got it for me." You said.

"Sam's at Danny's room. You wanna hang out with us till he's ready?" He asked.

You nodded. Jake invited you in. Josh was hiding behind the corner and jumped out and screamed "BOO!"

"Holy mother of Jesus." You yelled.

"Heheheh" Josh laughed. "Now you're initiated."

"To what?" You asked, laughing.

"I don't know. But you are." Josh laughed some more.

Jake shoved Josh and they started wrestling on one of the two beds. "POWER BOMB" one of them yelled. You stood, laughing.

Danny walked in, and immediately ran into the pile of boys. "God, they're dumb." Sam said.

"You want to join them don't you?" You poked.

"Of course I do, what am I, a business man?" Sam laughed, running up to the other three and making his claim to fame.

You laughed. Jake came up out of the tangled mess of boys. "I'm done with that." He laughed.

"Me too." Josh said.

"Y'all are no fun." Sam said.

"No, we're fun. Just not nearly drunk enough." Jake corrected.

Jakes phone made a sound and he started toward the door. "Uber is here."

The group followed toward him. They all exited the hotel and got in the extra large vehicle, suited to fit them. They laughed and joked on the way to the bar. When they arrived, Sam took your hand and helped you out of the car. He kissed your cheek as your head came close to his. He lead you into the bar and the both of you sat a square table. The other boys joined you, pulling up chairs. Josh brought a round of tequila shots and limes. You took the shot.

"Ew god." You said, disgusted.

"No to tequila?" Sam asked.

"I've never done shots before." You answered. "I've never been in a bar, to be honest."

"Well, bite the lime after the tequila. It makes it slightly better." Sam laughed. "Have you ever been drunk?"

"Off of wine coolers." You laughed.

"Oh no." Josh mocked. "High tolerance over here."

Jake walked to the bar tender and ordered another round, this time of a darker shot and one blue and green drink. He sat the blue and green drink down in front of you.

"It's a blue lagoon. It was the first drink I ever really liked." Jake said.

The others took shots and you sipped the pretty drink.

After several rounds and two more blue lagoons, the group had decided it was time to go. Sam helped you to the Uber. You stumbled all around. "Samuel Francis." You mumbled.

"Yeah." He said as he sat next to you.

"You're so damn pretty." You mumbled.

"Thank you." He giggled his reply.

"IM NOT PRETTY?" Josh yelled.


Jake laughed. "Someone's drunk." He sang.

"And you're drunk too!" You laughed.

"I know how to handle my drunk self." Jake teased.

"And I-" you trailed off. "I want some cheez it's."

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