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The two of you sat in the SUV as you watched the other three boys walk into the store.

"Well. If you're ready, then do I have your permission to get to know you?" Sam asked.

"If I have the same permission from you." You responded.

"Of course." He smiled.

"Just don't break my heart. I can't handle that." You said.

"I can't promise that, but I'll try my best not to." Sam said, putting his arm around your shoulder. You shivered again. "Is that?"

"I'm not cold." You laughed.

"Just because I touched you?" He asked.

You nodded. "Let's go in before it does get cold."

You grabbed the keys and opened the door. Sam climbed out behind you and you locked the doors. You handed him the keys. He put them in the pocket of his sweatpants. You walked close to him. He put his arm around your waist. "This okay?" He asked.

You smiled. "Perfect." You said.

You walked into the store. The lights were too bright.

"I don't know what I'm doing." You laugh.

"Well. We need to first decide what we're doing after tonight." Sam said.

"Can we discuss options?" You ask "I don't even know what they are."

"Always. Let's go get some hygiene stuff for us though." He said.

He kept his arm around your waist as he pushed the cart he grabbed.

"So, what we can do is A. You can travel with us. B. You could fly to my house in Frankenmuth. C. That's all I have for what I can do. So..." he said.

"Well, I could try to force him out of the apartment but that probably won't happen. Plus it's states away from where you'll be, and if we're going to make us work..." you said.

Sam turned the cart into the health and beauty aisle. You picked up a dollar bottle of shampoo. "No." Sam said. "I know good and well that isn't what you use. Pick something good."

You shook your head. "You're being so good to essentially a total stranger."

"A total stranger that I'm getting to know." He corrected.

You looked at the shelves. "What's it like to tour?" You asked.

"It gets hard." Sam said, reading a bottle of dry shampoo. "It's hard to sleep some nights. The roads can be rough. The bad nights don't outweigh the good nights though. There are so many times we've just passed out on the floor and woken up the next day. Spending time with my brothers and Danny are some of my favorite memories."

"I won't ruin that for you then." You said, putting some shampoo and conditioner in the cart.

"Are you kidding?" He laughed. "Imagine how much fun it would be. Especially getting to know you. That's actually the best option in my opinion."

"Are you sure?" You asked. "They won't be mad?"

"I mean, their girls have been on tour with us, so I don't see how it would make any difference if you came." He said grabbing another bottle of dry shampoo and reading it.

"Am I your girl, though?" You asked, halfway turning to him.

"I'd like for you to be." He said, turning to you.

He put the dry shampoo in the cart. "There's a lot of unknowns here." You said.

"That's an accurate statement." He said, heading to the next aisle. He grabbed a box of toothpaste. It was 'all natural'. You couldn't say you were shocked. You grabbed the same kind and a cheap toothbrush.

"Sam?" You asked.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Can we just cut the bullshit? I don't like this. It's making it more complicated than it needs to be. Yeah, we just met today, and yeah, either one of us could be axe murderers, but damnit I want you." You turn to him. "This is my once in a lifetime chance to become the person I want to be. I've spent way too long holding in my thoughts and cares. Too long of being scared to say what I want. Fuck it. I want to be a new person. If that means I have to get broken up with and run off with a bass player from my favorite band and fall in love with him so be it."

Sam blinked. "So you're coming with us?"

"I am." You said.

Sam smiled. "Let's get shopping, then. You'll need a lot more than some shampoo and a toothbrush." 

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