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After you stopped shivering, Jake and Josh knocked on the door to Sam and Danny's room. Sam opened the door.

"Ready?" Jake asked.

You stood up and grabbed your wallet off of the desk where you had left it when you came in. "Put it down" Jake said. "You're not paying for anything."

"I-" you said. "Okay."

You walked out the door, rolling up the sleeves on the sweater so you didn't look like a child wearing a too-big shirt. Sam caught up to you and placed his hand on your lower back, leading you into the elevator. Your spine tingled. You shivered.

"Are you still cold, really?" Sam asked.

You thought about your answer for a second.

"No I'm warm. That was just a-" you pondered the word you were looking for. "A shiver."

"You're not cold, but you're shivering." Sam asked confused.

"Yes." You answered.

"I don't get it."

"I do." Josh said laughing.

"Me too." Jake followed.

"As do I." Danny laughed.

"It's not meant to be cryptic." You laughed. "It was just an involuntary thing."

"Mmhmm." Josh laughed.

"What the hell? I don't get it? Don't you shiver when you're cold?" Sam asked, still confused.

Jake whispered in your ear "Naive."

You all departed the elevator and headed back into the SUV, this time it wasn't as crowded. Josh was driving. Jake in the passenger seat, Danny in the middle seat, and you and Sam in the very back. Sam fiddled with his thumbs while his hands were clasped in his lap. The three up front were giggling.

"I think you're pretty." Sam said, breaking the silence between you.

"I think you're the most attractive man on the face of the planet." You responded.

You quickly threw your hand over your mouth.

"Oh?" Sam asked, tilting his head toward you.

"I'm not usually this gutsy. I've never been one to just admit that I think someone's hot." You say.

"What did you mean earlier about the shiver? I'm honestly still confused." He asked.

"To be honest, it wasn't me doing it because I was cold. It was because..." you paused "immediately before you put your hand on my back."

"Oh I'm sorry. I was just trying to be a gentleman." Sam said.

"No! I liked it. It made me feel comfortable. It gave me a tingly happy feeling. That's why I shivered."  You admitted.

Sam nodded. You both stayed silent. "He hurt you."

"Not as bad as I initially thought." You said. "I think I was just more upset that my way of life has to change, but now I have a friend in you, hopefully, at least. I hope this isn't just a one night type of friendship."

"Friendship." Sam said.

"You're really nice. All of you guys are." You said. "I really appreciate you guys putting me up for the night."

"I won't lie. I'd like to get to know you so we can have more than a friendship."

You sat, stunned. You blinked. "You what?"

"I would like to eventually like to get to know you in a romantic way, but I understand that you're not ready yet."

"I'm ready." You said.

The SUV pulled into a parking space. "We're here." Josh announced.

The other boys got out, leaving the two of you. Josh opened the side door and left the keys on the seat beside you. "Just in case." He said.

Cut Down at the Gardens Gateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن