41. Sneaking Around: Hungary

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"Tomorrow night?" he persisted, grinning at her cheekily. 

Alyssa could see Seb glaring over at them. She laughed nervously. "Thanks Connor, but I'm going to have to decline."

"Why?" he continued.

"Why what?"

"Why decline?" He took hold off her wrist. She felt panic rising inside her. She hated anyone touching her like that, anyone but Seb. 

"Connor, I said no."

"Come on Aly, we could have fun. I find you attractive. I really like you. We get on well."

"As a friend Connor. Please can you let go of me? And please don't call me Aly." That was Seb's name for her. It didn't sound right coming from anyone else. She just wanted to get away from Connor, nothing against him, he was a nice guy, but she wasn't interested.

"Don't be shy. It's just dinner. We can get to know each other better."

"Connor, I hope I haven't given you the wrong impression. I'm sorry if I have. Please can you let go of my wrist?"

"You heard her Delaney. Let go," Seb said, appearing behind Connor. Alyssa noticed the steely glare on his face. Connor let go. Alyssa released a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. "Now I think you owe her an apology."

"I've done nothing wrong. I was just asking her out to dinner."

"And she said no," Seb said, his voice menacingly quiet. Alyssa knew he was trying hard not to lose his temper.

"Come on Seb, it's no biggie. Fine,  she said no. Her loss. I don't know what it's got to do with you anyway."

"Walk away Delaney."

"Jesus, what is your problem? Anyone would think you're trying to get into her pants yourself."

"You little..." Seb took a step towards Connor.

"Seb, relax," Antti said, placing his hand on Seb's arm. "Just go," he said to Connor. Connor walked away. Alyssa glared at Seb.

"What?" he snapped.

"Talk about making things obvious," she said through gritted teeth, before turning and storming into the kitchen. The door swung shut behind her.   It soon swung open again. 


"Not here," she hissed.

"Yes here. I'm sorry ok.  I just can't stand seeing him touch what is mine."

"Yours, exactly! I am not interested in him."   She glanced round.  There was one chef at the other side of the kitchen.  "I love you, you idiot."

"I'm sorry Aly. I just..."

"Shhh. We need to be careful. We don't want it getting out before you tell Sienna."

Seb glanced at the chef. He leant closer and whispered in her ear. "You don't know how hard it is to see you and not be able to kiss you Aly."

"I do know. I feel the same about you, but we need to be patient. We just need to get through this weekend."

The kitchen door opened. Antti stuck his head around it.

"Everything ok? They want you in the garage Seb." Seb sighed.

"I have to go. See you back at the hotel baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

After he'd left the kitchen Aly sighed. She turned and noticed the chef staring at her. Had he heard?

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