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"look you stupid b-"

"if you keep ignoring me, I'll actually kill Gon"

"what's your deal with killing anyways just shut the hell u-"

"killua?", a familiar voice interrupted me.

"huh? gon?", I say in disbelief.

"I don't know where I am, I just woke up and now there is this..crazy woman"

"gon? wh..what do you mean?", my voice began to tremble.

"killua?-", gon's voice got cut off because the call got ended.

Now it was my turn to call that crazy woman over and over again until she picked up.

"soo Kil, what do you think? will you visit me now?", the voice asks.

"where are you"

"eee I'm so happy"

The woman gave me her location and I got out of bed.

I put on my shoes and my jacket and searched for my keys.

How did she manage to kidnap Gon..he could have defended himself.

"huh? where are you going at this hour?" y/n appeared in front of me and rubbed their sleepy eyes.

"I'm gonna visit gon"

"don't you wanna wait til the morning?"

"this can't wait"

"then let me join"

"what?! no! y/n I don't have time for this..i'm gonna go now bye"

"okay? bye"

I close the door and run to my car. I had to hurry, Gon could be hurt or worse.

I started the car and drove to the location in an instant. When I got to the location which looked like an abandoned building, I got out of my car and noticed two other familiar cars.

"are those..kurapika's and leorio's cars?", I mumble and examine the cars further to make sure it was really their cars.

But why were they here? Did they also get such a weird calls?

I go inside the abandoned building and immediately recognising the two figures a few meters ahead of me. The two also see me and run towards me.

"Killua!" Kurapika and Leorio say in unison.

"did you get that call too?"

"yeah" Kurapika says and Leorio nods. 

"do you think gon is okay?"

"I don't know, we've only arrived a few minutes before you did", Kurapika said with his calm voice.

Me and Leorio nod and walk down the hall. It was cold and every step we made echoed. Sometimes a mouse would run past us but other than that nothing else seemed to be alive.

frick you/ killua x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat