“Nice to meet you. What can I do for you?” I ask as I shake his hand as well.

“Well, your wife left you some things and there are a few things for the children as well, but I mostly am here to give you this.” He replies, handing me a small envelope with my name written on it. “I was given strict instructions to give it to you in the event of you taking the kids.”

I glance at the letter carefully, “Thank you.” The triplets are still distracted by their game, so I turn my full attention to the lawyer. “Where are other things from her will? I want to make sure they get packed so that the kids can have it with them.”

He looks at me cautiously, “Of course, her items are still in their house, but you will be able to collect them after we finish up here.”

Nodding, I glance at the kids hoping to see them finally acknowledging me, but their attention is firmly fixed on their games.

Ms. Pews notices my gaze, “Children, come here dears. I want to introduce you to someone. This is James Sky. He’s your father.”

The children finally turn their gazes to me, but I notice fear in their eyes. I kneel down to eye level, “Hi guys, you can call me James or Dad or whatever you want. I’m so glad I finally get to meet you.”

They timidly nod in unison, “Nice to meet you sir.” the littlest boy whispers looking at his feet. The other two flush pink as if embarrassed that he’s the only one who spoke. “My name’s Killian, he’s River and she’s Storm.”

I pause awkwardly, not sure where to go, when an idea suddenly pops into my head. “So what were you guys playing?”

Storm speaks up for the trio, “We were just playing I-spy with the picture book.”

“Sounds like fun! Do you mind if I play with you guys?” I ask them, hoping to break the ice with them.

They nod shyly and bring the book over. We spend the next half hour playing together until I hear someone’s stomach growl and decide we should head out to lunch.

Once we were all in the car, I turn to ask them, "What do you three kiddos want for lunch?"

They look at each other and name a restaurant I've never heard of, so I pull out my phone for directions and head to the restaurant.

"Here we are. Let's go eat and then we can stop by your house to get anything you need before we leave for New York." I announce, parking the car in front of a little mom and pop Mexican restaurant.

The three nod, cautiously getting out of the car. We head into the restaurant and this little old woman comes forward screaming, "My babies!" She gives them this huge hug and I can't help but feel a little jealous that they're so comfortable with her.

"And who is this?" The woman asks, turning to me.

I get annoyed that she doesn't ask me directly, but brush it aside as more jealousy, "I'm James Sky, their father."

Her face pales slightly, "Well, why don't you kids go find a seat, I need to have a word with him."

"I take it she told you about me?" I ask the moment the triplets are out of ear shot.

"Yes." The woman snaps. "Do you have any idea how much pain you put that poor woman through? Those poor children? I know how badly you fucked up, so don't you dare do anything to fuck up your relationship with these kids too."

I gulp audibly, "I know. I know I've been terrible, but I want to make it right."

She glares at me harshly, "One mistake. One screw up. And you'll be fighting me for custody."

"Got it." I nod frantically.

The woman sighs in defeat, "I take it you're bringing them back to New York with you?"

"Yes, but I plan on getting them phones the moment we arrive so that they can contact someone if something happens or if they want to talk. Do you want me to program your number in as well?" I explain. Hoping that maybe I'll finally get her name

"That would be great." She sighs almost relieved. "Oh… I'm Maggie!"

Together we approach the table to see the triplets already snacking on some chips. When they see me, the trio freezes with their hands halfway between the bowl and their mouths.

I chuckle at their antics, reaching for my own chip as I sit on the opposite side of the table. Maggie stands at the head looking down at the little trouble makers. "Same as usual then?"

Nodding fiercely, the kids whisper, "yes please."

"And what can I get you Hun?" She asks me.

I glance at the menu but don't have any preference, "Surprise me." I shrug.

The old woman walks off to place our order and I'm left alone with the triplets who are looking nervous again.

I thought we already broke the ice. I mean I wasn't playing I-spy for half an hour for nothing. Ugh I could be working right now, but I had to pick up the kids. I guess I should get used to that though. They're gonna want a lot of attention. At least they'll have a nanny to take care of them most of the time.


You think he'll do a good job as a dad or will he pawn them off and never give a fuck?

So my sister got a new puppy and I am obsessed it's so cute! She named it Merci!

Just thought I'd share this cute pup with the world!

Quote of the Chapter:

See you in the next chapter!

My TripletsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora