I am

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Alice POV

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Alice POV

There is one question which every human being asks themselves at least one time in their life...Who am I? I personally ask myself at least 10 times a day. Ok, maybe I am exaggerating and it is only 8 times and every other week. But still, it is a little bit much, I know. Why do I do that? To punish myself, because who the fuck knows who they really are. It is such a time and emotionally consuming thing to constantly think about, without actually getting a final response. Don't tell me there is someone out there who knows exactly who they are and also stand by it. If someone assumes this, they are fucking lying. We are changing constantly through new experiences, feelings, situations and people. It is impossible to stay the same. We all have a basic personality which defines us, but every day, every hour, every minute and second we add a little bit to our identity.

Of course, I like to think about me as an exception. I am trying my best to always show who I am truly and not who I want them to think I am. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don't. But if I think about it more, it sounds completely the opposite and I may not be an exception, just like the idea of being one. Hey, don't groan at me, give me a break and let me have this moment. I am after all one insignificant human being in such a big universe. My existence does not have an impact on it, so I am going to say anything I want. Because at the end of the day we take off our mask behind which we are constantly hiding and show ourselves only to the people who really matter and whom we fully trust. And yes, that includes ourselves.

But enough of explaining myself, because I came here with the purpose to tell you who I think I am. If you don't want to hear about it, guess what...I DON'T FUCKING CARE. This is the first thing you need to learn about me, I always do what I want and before you start judging me and putting a label on me, which let's be honest would probably sound something like selfish, hypocrite, self-absorbing bitch...hear me out. So here goes nothing. It may get a little soppy but bear with me.

I am Alice, 26 years old, a successful photographer, or so I like to think about myself, currently just going on with life and enjoying the perks of my job, which are traveling, meeting new people, money and most importantly passion and fulfillment. I know, pretty boring introduction. You all waited to hear something more deep, but this is just my coping mechanism in getting comfortable and truly show you who I think I am...emphasized on I think. I always loved photography but I prioritized safety first. So like any normal young adult, I decided first to study something which will give me a safe future. I put myself through so much pain, stress and tiredness, just to finish my studies and not use them since the day of my graduation. Why you ask? I never thought I will make it as a photographer. I always heard that I am talented and I should just follow my dreams and work hard. But let's be honest, it is complete bullshit. There is nothing more hypocritical than saying "follow your dreams and work hard". People who use that expression are privileged people. I am not judging them, because in some cases that is truly the right way to go through life, but not in all.

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