3. Dandelions

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*POVs will keep changing*

It was a warm day in November. Usually it is cold but this day was surprisingly warm.

So group of friends had decided to go on an outing to the fields to enjoy the weather.

"Ahh! I love the warm air!! Feels so nice and fresh!" Anna exclaims as she twirls around in happiness. She hated the cold. It was nice to have a warm day.

"I agree with you!!" Derek, her boyfriend smiles at her, their hands interwined. He loves how cute she behaved sometimes. His girlfriend was something special.

"What about you Kris?" Anna turns to as her new friend, who was walking beside them.

Kristin had recently transferred to their school and was a quiet girl. Anna immediately befriend her since she took a liking to her. Kristin didn't talk much. But she was fun to be with. Only Anna and Derek knew that. Kristin was a different person when she was alone with them. She was herself. But when she's out with the others, she becomes this shy person.

"I love the winters. It gives me peace." Kristin smiles at them.

"Yeah Kris, one could look at you and think, yeah she's definitely a winter girl!" Derek chuckles. Kris reaches out to playfully swat his arm but he ducks behind Anna who laughs. She rolls her eyes playfully as they continue walking.

Something on the side of the path catches Kristin's attention.

"You guys continue. I'll be right behind you." She tells her friends. They look at her.

"What's up?" Derek asks her. He didn't want to leave her behind. She doesn't know anyone and she's new here.

"I saw something that caught my eye. I'll check it out and be right behind you."

"Okay. Be careful though." Anna tells her. They knew that Kris sometimes needed to be alone. And the perfectly understood it. So both of them nod as they continue to walk.

Kristin walks a little into the field and squats down. She smiles as she caresses the dandelion that was growing there. There was a patch of dandelions growing there and that's what caught her eyes. She sits down comfortably and pulls out her phone to take a picture.

She then bends down and blows a dandelion, closing her eyes. Then she looks toward the sky and prays. She then opens her eyes and smiles. She loved dandelions. They were her favorite flower. She didn't know how, but everytime she was around these flowers, she felt alive and free.

She turns back and looks at her classmates. They had walked quite a distance. Should she go back? Nope. She felt nice here. She decided to stay. She can call Anna later and ask where they were. But she decided to send her a text first.

Hey Ann
I will take some time to catch up with y'all. Don't worry I'm okay. Just need to do something.

Is everything okay Kris? You want me to come there?

I'm okay Ann, everything is fine. I'll call y'all in case I need help.

Okay! But be careful! And call me or Derek immediately if you need help! Okay?

Okay sis. Bye!

Kris turns off her phone, smiling. Anna has this big sister personality. So does Derek. They treat her like a little sister. She didn't complain though. She liked it.

She sighs as she thinks about them. They were such a cute couple! She wished to have a boyfriend. A guy who would care and cherish her. She prayed everyday for someone like that.

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