Beach (Fluff/NSFW)

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"Come baby, it's nice out. I was scared it was going to rain earlier." He checks his watch. "You had me sleeping all day." And with that comment, Dream frowns a bit.

He makes me feel so guilty for sleeping so much sometimes, but it's what I'm best at. I feel especially guilty right now, though, because he rented this cute beach house for our anniversary and we are wasting sunlight just sleeping in.

"I'm sorry." I say. He takes my wrists lightly and places them behind my back like he's going to arrest me, but he's in front of me. He kisses me sweetly.

"I guess we earned a good nap." He says.

It's our two year anniversary (two years of dating, we met a long, long time before that). We vowed to come to this beach house every year after this one, because it's been so calming for us. It's not the chaos we are used to. Our jobs are fun, and we get to work together, but being alone in a quiet environment is what you need sometimes. It's romantic, and Sapnap can't make fun of us for being romantic here.

On the first day, I walked in with his hands covering my eyes. The bed was full of rose petals spelling out "D+G" with a heart around the initials. To be honest, by the end of the night, we were pulling teared rose petals off of each other. We sat in the bath together after, and sometimes it's hard to look at him after he devours me. He was kissing my hands and babying me the whole time, and I love when I get to see both sides of him within the same hour.

He was right. Our nap today was earned. I made him stay up with me last night so we could say all the things we love about each other.

Dream likes my hair, my eyes, the way I laugh so hard over the dumbest things. He likes that the world knows nothing about me, and he knows everything and more. I rolled my eyes when he said he likes watching me take my clothes off, and then he told me he likes my attitude. He said even when he dated girls, he dated the type of girls who bite back. I fit his type. I'm the feistiest of them all, though, because I got him wrapped around my finger.

I admitted to him that I like that I met Dream when I needed him. It's not that I didn't have friends, it's that I didn't have him. Dream is the type to be mean to the world and good to his man. He's overprotective, hard-headed, and as smart as I am... which was always very important to me. I never wanted to feel inferior or superior to my significant other in terms of education.

I never had someone who really dissected my mind the way he always has. He helps me organize what is wrong and what is right. He brings me peace in ways nobody ever has.

I would not want to be celebrating an anniversary with anyone else. Ever since we met, I felt that if it's not him It's nobody. Of course, half of these things go unsaid. It's always been so hard for me to tell him how I feel.

It's sunset already. I think of these vast topics as he took my hand and dragged me to the water of our private little beach area.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks me.

"Us." I tell him.

He starts to look very nervous. "Good or bad?"

"Amazing, Dream." I say. He sighs, then says "You scared me."

"I love you, what's scary about that?" I ask. He doesn't have to say it back, because I knew with the way he kissed me after I said it. Slow, steady, passionate. He slips his tongue in, and as I'm ready to fully indulge in him, he pulls away and finally meets the water with his feet.

I whine at the loss of his lips, and he notices.

"That's how you feel?" He asks.

"Mhm." I hum. It's always how I feel, and I wish I could scream that out to him so he could just stay kissing me all day. "Go get a blanket."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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