Imp. points

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.There will be leap of 21 years.
.Disha leaves M.K mansion 21 years ago with sunny due to the misunderstanding created by alia.
.Purab and aliya are not married but show as couple for aryan.
.Purab and disha were never divorced.
.Kiara is alive and she was with tanu in these years but after tanu case abhigya found about her. Now she lives with M.K family.
.Rhea is positive and soon there will be wedding of pranbir. Kohli family also likes prachi now and accepts her as DIL including pallavi.
.In my story when kiara was kidnapped she was 4 years old so now siara(sunny and kiara) are 25 years old.
.Aryan doesn't know about dishrub past and sunny but dislikes disha little due to aliya manipulation.
.Aryan loves sahana and sahana too loves aryan but they didn't confessed it to each other.
.There will be some additional characters.
.Disha visited to pragya and mehra family like the show.
.Second generation and kohli family have no idea about dishrub past.
.There is no ritwik in my story.

Bye Bye for today
Your dear author,

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