A little to late

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Violet Pov

After a few moments of silence after the person supposedly left. I snagged against the door as the adrenaline wore off. The knife falling onto the floor as I let go of it.

My vision started to blur as I slowly slid down the wall. Then I passed out in the supply closet covered in my own blood.

3rd person Pov

Sebastian was running towards the manor with unnatural speeds, hoping to make it in time. The carriage holding his master was left behind in the now quiet city. The young boy was worried for the girl in his manor, she may have fought in a war but that was over a year ago and knowing from what his servants told him that her skills might be rusty and they didn't even have prosthetic arms. Nonetheless he was really worried, though one couldn't tell tha by simply looking at him.

Sebastian reached the front of the manor which wasn't locked. He didn't sense a foreign human inside but a smell of one he could only pinpoint as the delicious smell of the blood of a soul as good as his masters. He rushed through the manor after the amazing smell who he now associated with Violet.

A few moments later he reached her room and saw the mess. It may be dark outside now but his demonic eyes had no problem seeing the disheveled room in front of him. The bed, carpet and floor were all painted red with Violet's blood, the closet door openly showing the clothes that were pushed aside in a seemingly hurried manner and the broken window. He stood a second in the threshold of the room before carefully following the path of blood that lead down the hallway.

Reaching the end of the path of red he stood looking at the supply closet door. Behind it he could hear soft ragged breaths of Violet, opening the door carefully the young woman fell on the carpet. The demon picked her up carefully, not touching her shoulder that seemed to be her only injury.

He walked to the closest bathroom to clean her wound up. By now he heard the carriage pull up to the manor as well as the small, rushed steps of Ciel. He was sure the servants that slept across the manor would be woken up.

'Actually how are they still asleep...... Those idiots.' The butler thought while taking Violet's shoulder out of the destroyed nightgown, though leaving it on to cover her in case she woke up. He carefully cleaned the wound before wrapping it in soft bandages.

"Sebastian is Violet?" Asked Ciel from the threshold of the bathroom. "She seems to have been stabbed in the shoulder then passed out due to bloodloss. She will be alright and heal with no problems. I arrived too late and the attacker escaped before I arrived here." The butler who by now finished dressing the wound moved outside the room. "Alright. Bring her to the room next to mine and let her sleep there, by tomorrow clean her room and move all her stuff to the new room."

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian then left towards the room, with his young master after him. Setting Violet down on the bed, the taller one left the room to prepare his masters room, while Ciel looked at the girl for a few minutes before heading to his room and going to sleep.

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