Chapter twenty eight: I know she's out there

Start from the beginning

Natasha sat next to her, "Want to talk about it?" she asked while combing her hair softly.

"It's the same every night" Sophia said before blowing gently on the warm milk and taking a small sip.

The milk warms her body as she starts to relax a bit.

"I'm sorry sweetie" "It's fine" Sophia shragged.

"I'm doing everything I can, you know that right?"

"I know but... It's been two years auntie Tasha, I don't think there is a chance of bringing them back"

Natasha sighed, "I know it's frustrating baby, but don't lose hope ok? I promised you something and i'm keeping that promise"

Sophia nodded as she took a couple more sips from her milk.

"I'm sorry you need to go through this baby", "It's fine i'm used to it"

Natasha's heart broke "You shouldn't be used to this sweetie".

Sophia just stayed quiet, "Why are you up this late?" she suddenly spoke

"Well, believe it or not you're not alone in this" Natasha said

Sophia looked at her with a sad frown, Natasha instantly placed her thumb gently between her eyebrows and started to trace her fingers around her eyebrows and cheeks.

"How about you try and get some sleep?", Sophia shook her head

"There is no point of going back to sleep anymore"

"At Least rest, you look exhausted" Natasha pulled Sophia to lay on top of her.

"I love you auntie Tasha" "I love you too baby"

~End of flashback~

Sophia sat on the couch and drank her milk slowly, it was quiet, only crickets could be heard from the distance.

For the first time in a while she felt the way she used to feel when she understood both of her parents are not coming back.

This hole in her heart closed as the years went by, all thanks to Natasha,

But when she died, another hole in her heart was created, one she was never able to close.

She inhaled deeply and exhaled softly trying to take control of the bubbling emotions in her heart.

She felt alone.


"How long is this gonna take?" Yelena asked

"I don't know, she's breathing but... that must have been quite though for her body" Ivy said

Both of them standing beside Wanda's unconscious body.

"Do you think she's ok?" "Who?" "Sophia"

Yelena sighed "She's a strong girl, I really hope she's ok"

"Yeah..." Ivy said quietly

"You're worried about her" Yelena said

"Of course I am, I don't know what I would do if something happens to her"

"I'm worried about her too"

"Next time I see her... I've decided to not wait anymore"

"What do you mean?"

"I will tell her everything I feel, I will hopefully get to kiss her and hold her even if after that she'll want nothing to do with me"

Yelena placed her hand on Ivy's shoulder "You will get her back dorogoy" (sweetheart)

Ivy smiled slightly.

"How is she?" Clint asked

"The same" Clint sighed and walked to sit next to them.

"What is our next move?" Yelena asked

"Lena, you've seen what happened, I don't think it's a good idea to follow them again"

"But Wanda-" "I know that's Wanda wants, but considering the fact that she is unconscious right now because of it, I think it's better if we back away for a while"

Yelena sighed and placed her hand on Wanda's hand, "Maybe you're right"


"Hey, what are you doing up so early?" Carol asked as she walked into the living room.

"Just wanted to get a head start on the day" Sophia said not wanting to share any details from last night.

"Ok then, want some breakfast?" "I'm not hungry, but thanks..."

"Come on Soph you haven't eaten properly for these past couple of days"

"It's fine Carol, i'm not hungry"

Carol sighed, and started to make her own breakfast but minutes later she came back with two plates of food.

"Carol..."   "No, eat up it's not healthy for you to not eat anything, come on i'll eat with you"

As both of them ate their food Sophia spoke up,

"When are we going to Vormir?"

"Why would we go to Vormir sweetie?"

"Remember when I had the dream?" Carol nodded

"Well, it didn't feel like one, It felt more like... a vision"

"What did you see?"

"Natasha" Carol looked up at her

"She was screaming, I think she was in trouble, I know it seems like a nightmare but I could feel her, I- I hugged her, it never happened before in my dreams"

"Honey, Natasha... is dead"

"I know, ok? I know she's dead but what if... what if there was a way to bring her back"

"Sweetie-"   "No, Natasha was everything to me! She sacrificed herself because she made a promise, to me, if there is a chance to bring her back I will risk everything for it!" Sophia yelled a bit

"Ok, If you think she's out there somewhere we will go looking for her ok?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, all you did was take care of me"

"It's ok sweetie, she's important to you I get it, I just don't want you to be disappointed if..."

"If what?"

"Never mind... I'll go talk with Monica, figure out a path and we'll go there ok?"

"Thank you Carol, you don't know how much this means to me" Sophia said as she hugged her tightly

"No need to thank me sweetheart"


Yelena was sleeping next to Wanda peacefully

Until she could feel movement.

Before she knew it, Wanda woke up with a loud gasp.

A/N: Well well, lookes like we're heading to Vormir, who knows what's gonna happen there👀

I hope everyone is doing well!  Don't forget to take care of yourself!

I love you all and i'll see you next chapter❤

A soulmate who wasn't meant to be (Sophia Maximoff x Ivy Harkness)Where stories live. Discover now