Grief in a time of death Part 1

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"Jimmy-" , "Yeah?" , "-I just did a bad thing." Scott looked on the verge of crying or laughing. Jimmy jumped back into their secret cow farm, not noticing anything wrong as he did so. "I've done a bad thing.." Scott just looked at him, seemingly holding back the laughter his voice had once possessed a tone of. As the blonde looked around again, double checking each cow, it finally clicked. "No you did not! You just killed Daisy?" Scott shrugged it off, finding a new cow and claiming it had Daisy's spots, the former he had killed was an imposter. Although sceptical, Jimmy made the short climb back to the surface to find a new nametag. 

If Jimmy played a game of chick chance and it caused Martyn and Joel to take about 5 cows, well no one needed to know. 

As night fell, Scott walked across the newly made steeping stones over to Jimmy, who was admiring the plethora of flowers. The cyanette lead his husband behind the unsettling purple of nether portals and into an artificially made cave, decorated with cobble and inhabited by their enchanting table. Jimmy was more in awe of Scott's talent than their ticket to success.

"Jimmy we're married we share points!" an exasperated Scott said as they ran to look at the newly installed reputation board. "I know but we don't share points!". They were greeted by Skizzleman, Grian and Scar, the red name's skin decaying and a sad grey, eye's piercing red, bloodlust flowing behind them. 

They were pointed in the direction of the board. It was full with names, most people on the server. Some were friends, others were enemies and on the hitlist. Jimmy found himself on 25%, Scott not on the board.

"I accidentally looked at an enderman." Scott didn't sound panicked, he was safe. It was in a box and he was a way away from it. But obviously that would backfire as someone let him out. "Sorry guys." was the only warning given before the tall mob ran to a now slightly uncomposed Scott. His life so far flashed before his eyes as he fought to keep a shield between him and the death wish snarling at him with a strangled sound only heard from that of an enderman. At least he managed to get the angry being into a boat, letting out a sigh of relief. Jimmy had watched from the side lines, wanting to help but unsure how.

That enderman died to the hands of Scott. 

A soft buzz of their communicators alerted them to a message from Tango, something about feather falling IV diamond boots, catching the attention of both the husbands. As they walked towards the North East section of the swamp, Scott began to think it was a bad idea, they did steal a cow from Tango, it was possibly rigged. Yet Jimmy was persistent, excited to possibly win a useful asset to his their kit. 

As they approached, both of their stomachs dropped as they saw a luminous building glaring against the dark of night. The loud pop of lava made both males regret their decisions, yet they addressed the other blonde regardless.

Somehow he had been persuaded to play after he voiced last minute protests. So, squaring up to the lava, he looked back at Scott, smile teasing yet it didn't reach his concerned eyes. They said nothing but fear. Yet so many lives could be saved if he took the boots.

He jumped and stepped, avoiding the lava for a small time before he felt a scolding pain on his legs. It was torturous but he perceived. Jimmy backed himself in the corner, again being attacked by the hot liquid that burnt his skin. Scott was still watching with resided anxiety, voicing his hopes that he lived, not wanting his blonde husband to lose a life, be in pain. 

They locked eyes, pain meeting alarm. It was a concoction that would be engraved to the myths and legacies of the people who played the game. 

His hands met cobblestone, his body met stone, his soul met lava. His life met death.


Chapter in parts? Cliffhanger? Never! 

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