"Thanks." Maeve whispers back smiling, leaning unconsciously a bit more to the man than needed, while watching Meredith nod, at her question, before she starts to explain.


Later, Meredith, April, Jackson, Derek and Maeve stand in the Elevator to get up to the helicopter landing deck.

"It was a fishing boat accident and two patients. One with a head lac and abdominal pain. The other, they said something about a fish hook." April explains, her eyes full ends focused on Derek.

"Why would they send a chopper for a guy with a fish hook?" Derek asks confused.

"I'm pretty sure they said fish hook, Chief Shepherd." April reassures, smiling nervously, her eyes still not moving from the man's figure.

Maeve smiles amused, looking from April and Derek over to Meredith, who just rolls her eyes, as the door opens.

April and Derel rush out leaving the other three back.

"I'm pretty sure they said fish hook, Chief Shepherd." Jackson intimates April, smirking at Meredith. Maeve let's out a loud laugh, walking out the door, Jackson quickly following.

"If I'm wrong, you can spank me. Chief Shepherd. I do hope I'm wrong." He laughs, Meredith following him, smiling amused.

"What do we got?" Derek asks when they approach the helicopter with a stretcher, standing in front of it. A boy, about 16, laying on it, while a nurse, Alex, Lexie and Bailey, already surround it.

"We got the son, head laceration, crush injuries. The dad's right behind." Bailey explains. "Let's go." She announces and they push the son away.

Another stretcher pulls up to where Derek and April stand, Maeve, Jackson and Meredith quickly joining.

"Fifty-year-old male, penetrating trauma to the chest. Hypertensive in the field. Got him two litres of LR en route." The paramedic announces. Derek nods pulling the blanket of the man's chest. Maeve's eyes widen at the big hook piercing the man's side.

"Oh God." She mutters with wide eyes, hearing same comments coming from April, Jackson and Meredith.

"Big hook."


After a successful surgery on the man, with a small dramatic touch in between, which shouldn't be surprising. Sloan Riley, giving away her baby. And Lexie standing up to Alex.

Maeve lays in bed that evening, after Lexie came into her room to tell her about the whole Alex thing. Her laptop on her lap, when her phone rings. Not looking at the caller ID, she picks it up.

"'Ello." She answers, eyes focused on the screen of her laptop.

"Hello there." A familiar voice answers.

"General Kenobi." Maeve mutters under her breath, but the other person heard her, chuckling under his breath he answers. "And that's why your my favorite sister."

"I'm you only sister Nolan." She smiles, rolling her eyes.

"I count Charlie as one, too." Nolan answers amused.

"Yeah, whatever. So what do you want Noa?" She asks, sighing.

"I'll be in Seattle next month, got a concert there. Just wanted to give you a heads up." Nolan is in a band, with some other guys, Maeve hasn't really talked to most of them. Apparently they are not that unknown and have a fan group out there, and from time to time, they travel across America, giving concerts.

"Really?" Maeve asks almost bored.

"Come on a bit more excitement, would be great." He answers sarcastically.

"I'll give that to you when you get here." She mutters. Nolan nods on the other side of the line, invisible for Maeve. "Okay, see you then." And he hangs up, without any kind of goodbye.

Looking at her phone screen the blonde furrows her brows. "Can'teven say goodbye. What a great brother." She mutters sarcastically, putting the phone on her nightstand.


When Maeve walks through the hospital, the next day, after finishing her shift, she quite literally walks into Derek.

Falling backwards when she crashes against him, she lands on her butt. "Shit." Mutter the blonde.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry." Apologizes the dark haired man, holding out a hand for her, to help her up. Taking it she gets up, shakes off the invisible dirt on her pants, smiling at Derek.

"I'm good, don't worry. " She sees his messy hair and concerned face. "The question is are you?"

Derek nods. "Yeah, I'm good."

"You had the talk with the lawyers and the husband from the woman you had to pull the cord, right? Meredith mentioned something." Maeve explains.

Derek nods sighing. "Mr. Clark, yes." 

"I take it, it didn't end well?" She asks questioning. Derek shakes his head. "They don't have a case against me, but Mr. Clark, he looked so mad. I feel like I should have talked to him, should have explained myself more."

Maeve bites her lip, patting his arm. "It's probably for the best that you didn't, even if you felt like you should have, it might have made everything worse. It's gonna be alright, Derek."

"Thanks." The man smiles at her lightly, even though the words didn't give him as much faith as Maeve hoped.

"You know, I know we don't talk that much. But if you need somebody to talk to, that is not your wife, or Sloan, I'm here. People told me I'm a good listener you know, even if I'm talking BS most of the time." Maeve chuckles.

Derek smiles at her, this time more genuine. "Thank you, Maeve."

"Anytime." Maeve answeres, smiling brightly. Looking behind him she sees, Jackson watching them intensely. Following here eyes, Derek smiles down at the blonde. "You should go to him, I'm gonna find my wife."

Maeve nods, saluting Derek. "I'll see you around, Shepherd."

Chuckling Derek nods, watching her jog over to Jackson, who smiles brightly at her when she joins his side.

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