Day 4 4:54 PM

694 39 2

And I did it again... Skipping lunch.

Well I think I'll consider that carbonara as my brunch (breakfast and lunch, if you had no idea). I feel my stomach still full and gazed my eyes to the clock.

Damn, the clock works so slow when your bored.

George was still asleep. The box of Krispy Kreme remains open on the table of the living room. The blankets scatters in the floor and messed the couch. The Japanese movie remained paused on the television...

I rolled my eyes and sighed... I've just clean in the morning and now I'll clean again.

It wouldn't be boring if George was awake...

"Thanks George..."

I whispered.

Why did George ever thought of visiting me on a bunch of things he can do?

It reflects something on me that I don't want to discuss... I don't want to assume.

Just why?

You, Wilbur? What do you think George visited you this day?

Because he had no other thing to do...

That's not my point. Why do you think it would be me?

I don't know... Because he wants me.

I just want to cry all the fucking things I made. Like total fuckery... This is driving me insane.

Even talking to myself didn't help to entertain me.

Overthinking what happened yesterday, the lie detector stream, had something to contribute to the pieces of my puzzle. But yet, they are the uncertain, more confusing one. Something that would bare an important and sensitive detail...

He said yesterday that I need the most help— from him. What help would I need?

This is the real shit when you don't care about yourself or anything around you. You don't even know anything about yourself...

What help would I need? About...

I get it...

Is it that harsh...

He noticed my life being miserable as living alone...

Do I need help for being alone?

And because he noticed that I'm alone he decided to pay me a visit...

He tried to flirt... Or give me some positivity... I'm not sure, I don't want to assume.

What if he becomes my boyfriend? It's good because he knew what will he do. What if I becomes his boyfriend? Now this is real shit...

I'm just expecting it to be like "go with the flow". Like what the wedding vows says through the best and the worst. Well I think those things doesn't exist...

You know. Just live in the life of cuddles or live the life under one roof. I would imagine those times in exact perfectionism...

Will this love remains permanent or temporary?

Cause damnit, I don't even want to assume that George would pick me.

What if he just accepted my proposal because he felt pity of the fact that I'm alone... Or what if all these things would only end in one conclusion?

Would he pick someone he would love? Or someone he wanted to help?

I looked up at the ceiling while sitting in the couch. Still the things that in front of me are the donuts and the paused movie...

I don't want to think anymore.

I love George, but I'm not sure if he loves me too...

I don't know if I can be a boyfriend...

Two knocks poked my attention in the living room. Maybe it was the pizza...

Yes, it is the pizza.

I pay the pizza to the delivery guy and placed it in the table. Then I walked to the door and closed it again. All of those acts, performed with drained energy. The remaining life force that was absorbed by my overthinking.

The box was still untouched. I don't want to touch it either...

I neither understand myself, nor my life.



"Wilbur?" George walked out of my room, rubbing my eyes.

"George," I greeted. Enlightened.

"Why am I in your room?" George asked, looking behind him to yawn.

"This is so embarrassing to say, but I carried you?" I replied.

He stared to my eyes with deep emancipation. "You really did that? You can just let me sleep in the couch?"

"The couch was too small for you," I explained, picking a donut in the box and taking a bite. "And there's a pizza in the table if you're hungry,"

George then looked at the box of untouched pizza in the table and stare at me. "You didn't cook lunch?"

"Off course I cook, if my spirit tells me to," I continued to eat, and switched the movie to something else. "Why don't you want the pizza? I can make something else..."

"No, no, no need," George replied. "Did you already ate lunch? Oh, this was still hot, and untouched. You didn't ate lunch did you?"

"I didn't, the carbonara made me full," I reasoned. "Well, I think watching horror movies together would make you scare a lot,"

"That movie is trauma, I'm not ready for those kind of things,"

I giggled. "Already warned you,"

I hear George exhaling a heavy sigh. "I slept for about five hours here. I'm too weak,"

"Have you slept out late last night? Are you still exhausted?" I consulted.

"I didn't sleep early last night for some reasons, but it just questions me how did I get up early," he picked a slice of pizza and ate.

"You should take care of yourself," I looked at him. "Well take a good rest... And... You know, sleep early,"

George smiled. "Thanks for reminding, I hope you also eat breakfast too,"

We both chuckled.

"It's getting late," George took a glimpse of his phone.

I looked outside the windows. The sunset is coming, the darkness starts spreading. What did I mostly do when it starts to get dark? I don't even know... Just setting things before I go to sleep.

"You know what do I do when the sun starts to set?"

His words brought me to confusion. "What?"

"Come follow me,"

Did Anybody Ever Say No To You - (Georgebur)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα