1. Necklace of Rope and Needles

Start from the beginning

"My dear sweet Giselle," He sighs and touches one of my long strands. "I think I love you more than your sister."

"Then let me live." I let out, not knowing why he's saying this, why he would love me more? We barely talked. And if he did love me, why bed my sister? Why send me to my death?

"No," He laughs and his smile returns. He's insane, his quick emotions make it hard to speak to him. "I would rather have you dead. That way, I can keep your body and I will always know where it is."

"That's sick." I spit at him, not caring what I say or do. I'm going to die anyways.

He wipes the spit from his thumb and then licks it. I make a disgusted face. "Or maybe I should keep you alive. It was fun taking you in the dungeons, chains rattling and your beautiful cries sang in my ears."

"I didn't want to be ra-"

"Ah ah ah, prisoners don't have autonomy over their bodies." He pokes my nose, lust disappearing.

"I'm still a human being, a being of reason and will." I speak in defense, maybe I can save myself with my wit.

"Not in a couple of minutes." He shrugs and then grabs my chains, leading me to the center rope. The other prisoners are ready, ropes around their necks.

"I didn't poison her, please let me live." I try begging once more, not caring how pathetic I look to the nation, to him.

"Maybe you did, maybe you didn't. We found the people, but they say they're working under someone. That could be you." He sighs, taking the rope and putting it around my neck. I can feel the scratchiness of the rope and there seems to be pricks sticking to my skin.

"Do you remember the first necklace I gave you? It was when we were first engaged. I remember putting it around your neck, just like now." He smiles as if he's remembering a nice memory.

"You're killing me right now, for something I didn't even do!" I yell, hopefully someone will hear.

He growls and grabs my rope above me, starting to play with the air that comes in my throat. I grab my throat and attempt to have space for air, coughing and sputtering like a fool.

"I don't like your tone... but you look so good like this. Should I take you once more, right here? Right now? In front of everyone?"

"Please no." I manage to beg, shaking my head when he drops the rope. He frowns looking at my body which makes me want to puke. Lust fills his eyes and if we were alone, I'm sure he would've mounted me.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" He claps his hands and then wraps one arm around my shoulders. "Your family is sitting nicely, waiting to watch you die!"

He grips my chin and forces me to look at a section of the stands. I see my father and half sister sitting in the royal seats. They're far away, but I can imagine their faces. My father disappointed, probably late for a meeting and wanting to leave. The bitch is probably fake crying for sympathy.

"Say hi family," he chirps and waves. I don't move. He grabs my wrist and forces me to wave at my father who condemned my death.

I try to make eye contact with my father, hoping he can stop it at the last second. Alas, I'm too far away. Besides, why should I even try? I hear my husband say some more things, but they fall on deaf ears. He probably gets bored and walks away.

I stand there accepting my faith. I'm taken backwards, some guard is pulling me in the direction to stand. I stare at the sky, the roar of the crowd erases thoughts that might pop into my head. I hear the guard whisper something and I snap out of my daze when I see a figure in the crowd.

"Giselle!" I immediately spot the brown wild curls and the man with a giant walking stick. The Grand Sorcerer, my dear friend Milo has come. I make eye contact with him and he is shouting something.

I feel the rope around me tighten to the hanging rope above me. As I try to understand what he says, the guards get us ready for our death. I squint so that I can try to read Milo's lips. Unfortunately I can't read them.

My lip starts to quiver. I shake my head, telling my dear friend I don't know what he is trying to share with me. However, I feel hopeful staring at him. I don't think he hated me even after I was forced out of the Magic Tower and forced into silence in the Palace.

"Giselle!" I hear my name once more. I turn my head and see my other good friend, Frank. He waves his jacket and calls for my attention. Upon seeing him, a tear falls down my cheek. We came up with a plan to get me out of the country, but Ivan found out and blackmailed me. I had to destroy our friendship, but I'm glad to see him here.

"Giselle!" Milo calls out once more. I look at him and see that he's making a move, shaking and almost telling me to copy him. I frown but do so. I cross my hands over my chest and position my hands accordingly. I look around the arena and see that Ivan has now taken his seat in his box.

"Giselle!" I look to where I exited and see my brother fighting against the guards. I start to cry harder, pleading to the Magic in this world and even the gods my family worships to let me live. I keep my arms crossed over my chest, shaking with the fury and fear inside me.

The crowd goes silent which allows me to hear three important figures.

"Three!" Ivan yells over the crowd. The criminal to my left drops and his choking fills my ears.

"Giselle!" Milo screams. "Keep your hands like that for as long as you can!" I look at him, wondering if its a martyr thing but nod.

"Giselle!" I hear my brother yell. I turn my head and see him running towards me. I quiver my lip, hoping he can get to me.

"Two!" Ivan yells and the criminal to my right drops.

Elric is too far away. He won't make it to me. He won't save-


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