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Exactly twenty years ago, I was an awkward carrot.

And then I met you.

No, you did not change me.

You made me-

more awkard.

You made me feel all those cheesy butterflies.

You made me understand how there is such a thing as "good kind of sick".

You say you're my bunny and I'm your carrot

and that you can't live without me.

I say it's the other way around.

A carrot cannot live without its bunny.

I know that might not make any sense.

Okay, it really doesn't.

But that is love.

It doesn't have to make sense.

It is what it is.

But I'm not saying it's that simple.

Love is complicated.

Everything is.

I know you disagree with me about this.

But that's what I love about you.

We see things differently but

I'm certain that there will always be one thing 

that we can never disagree with

and that is our undeniably crazy love for each other.

You say you'll love me no matter what, even if my heart is the only moving part of my body.

I say,

I love you.

And that is the last thing my whole body will ever do.

This is not just my wedding vow.

This is my existence vow.

I, Kristof Corthim, exist only to love you, Katie Shine.



This is the last part T.T 

I hope you guys enjoyed reading.

I was/am in love when I wrote the last few chapters ahahaha so I was inspired to be cheeseball and give this story this kind of ending.

I hope you guys loved the story. Please let me know what you think. :D

Next story I'll be working on is "A Potion and A Wish". lol <3

Thank you for the support guys. Much love <3

@nomeme @aquagiraffe @plainandbeautiful @misshugs @coffeeismyblood @wallflower29

@just-beyoutifull and everyone else who are lurking behind the shadows hahaha <3

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