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From: Katie


The hazy sight of you greeted me like a dream. I fluttered my eyes as your face came nearer, and nearer. "Hi," you whispered, waking me up from your hand. Your minty breath, humbly wrinkled, hazel eyes, pinkish cheeks, and generous smile made me gasp inside.

"Hi," I mumbled and grinned as you stroke my hair away from my face, "Did you just chew a gum for me?" I giggled.

"Yes, he did," A voice answered. I looked across the bed and saw May grinning wider than me.

May and I shared a chuckle. You narrowed your eyes on us and pulled your hand away from mine. "Haha, funny," you said sarcastically, laid back on your bed, pulled your blanket, and hid under it, like a pissed off little kid.

It was too cute, overwhelmingly adorable.

I cried, literally.

My eyes welled up in tears. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. The thought that I could lose you soon crept over me. "I'm gonna go get something to eat," I muttered and took silent, wide steps out of the room.

I have to be strong, especially in front of you. I need to be. I want to be.

But you denied me that chance.

It has been six dreadful months since you left to New York for your medication and therapy. You left me with only a photo of my stupid sleeping face and a caption that said:

My condition is almost impossible to be cured. Sooner or later, I won't be able to move, to hold your hand, to wipe your tears, to offer my shoulder nor wrap my arms around you when you're feeling bad, and to kiss your forehead to let you know how much I adore you... I can't do all of that anymore, Katie. I'm sorry.

You are the most beautiful image and the most breathtaking view I had ever seen and will ever see. I love you, which is why you should understand that you can't come with me.

I tried to understand, Kristof. But I still can't.

You should've realized that maybe it's time for me to be the one to do all of that to you, for you, for us.

Let me.

I am now on my way to you as you read this lettter.

Remember the conversation we had before you left? You might have forgotten it. So I'll remind you while you wait for me.

"Our love is the one that moves the tallest towers, races through the wildest storms, runs through the hottest deserts, and swims through the deepest, coldest seas. Our love is not easy but it's worth every difficulty, Katie," you said without pausing, like you've memorized those lines a thousand times which is why I couldn't understand what changed your mind, why you gave up and left.

I tightened my arms around you, took in the soothing smell of your bare neck. "It doesn't have to be difficult. A simple kiss from you can turn all those tragic situations into blissful moments. Our love can be simple, Kristof. I love you. You love me. You don't have to go through any pain by loving me, Kristof." I raised my hand to cup your cheeks but you took it and kissed it . I smiled and continued to speak. "Just know that I love you and be happy about it because it will stay like that for eternity, agreed?"

You nodded your head and we shared laughing kisses that will forever be what I will crave for and you can't stop me from getting it. I received my letter of admission at Fordham University.  I've planned it all out, Kristof.

I will stay with you no matter what, even if the only moving part of your body is your heart.

I'm on my way to you, Kristof. Please deal with that fact and wait. Wait for me, please.

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