chapter six

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I walked into my school and was so happy to actually be back so I wouldn't be in a class where I don't understand anything. "thank god that you are back." Nina said as she saw me walking up to her, Jim and Yam who was standing by their lockers. "well maybe this have been a lesson for myself to not agree to everything Simón askes me to do." I said. "and maybe we will be lucky, and the prank war will be over." Jim said. "one can only hope but speaking about the guys where are they." I asked and as I looked around, I saw Pedro, Nico and Simón walking into school with Matteo, Gastón, Ramiro, Benicio and Emilia behind them. "it looks like they are behind us." Yam said. the rest of us nodded and saw as the guys walked up to us. "and look there are the girls." Simón said as they got even closer. "so, this is what your school looks like. Not as pretty as ours." Matteo said as he looked at me. "haven't you been here multiple times." I asked. "I have but those times were much later in the day." Matteo said. "well, we should get to our class right girls." I said as I wanted to go away from the guys and also because our class would start soon. "no wait a second. So, Emilia is wondering when practice is." Ramiro said. I have actually forgotten that Emilia needed to be on our team as our game is on Friday. "today after school and don't be late." Yam answered. "good thing is that our coach has already let you be on the team as he saw how you where playing." Nico said to the guys as the bell rang signalling that the class is starting.

The first three classes went on like they normally do and then it was lunch and like always I would sit with my friends. Which includes Jim, Yam, Nina, Nico, Pedro, Simón, Eva, Ada and Michel. And I am guessing that Simón is going to invite Ramiro, Gastón and Matteo to sit with us. I highly doubt that he will ask Emilia and Benicio but who knows.

And as I thought at our usual table sat all the new guys and my other friends with me being the only one left as I needed to speak to my teacher before I walked to lunch. The only spare seat left was next to Matteo and Michel so this will be fun. "Luna what took you so long." Gastón asked as I sat down. "well as I have been gone for a week, I had to talk to my English teacher who apparently had no idea what was going on." I said. "that's fun." Simón said and gave me a pity smile. "I still have no idea what even happened that day still." Michel said and I really didn't want to be the one to tell him the entire story again. "well basically the students at this school got caught realising mice in our gym." Matteo explained very brief, and I didn't really need to be explained more. "so, Luna I have been thinking. Can we please go to jam and roller after practise?" Jim said as she wanted to changed the subject. "yes, please I really want to work on my moves" Yam said. "sure, and Nina do you want to come with us." I said. I really love to go to jam and roller to hang out with my friends which could be why we where there the whole weekend, and to skate of course. "what is jam and roller." Ramiro asked as jam and roller is mostly a place where students from the south goes. "oh, it's our favourite place where we hang out, and skate in the rink they have. And the smoothies are to die for especially the strawberry one." Yam said. "wait you skate." Matteo asked and looked at me. "of course, I might not be the best but ever since I meet Jim and Yam I have been skating. The only person who actually don't skate is Nina. Or well also Ada, Eva and Michel. Do you skate." I answered. Not that I haven't tried to teach Nina before, but she always refuses. "yes of course we skate, I have even been called the king of the rink a couple of times, but ever since our skating place shut down, we have been struggling to find the perfect place. Do you think you can show us the place?" Matteo said and of course he had to make a comment about him being the best at something. Before I answered I looked over to the girls as the place is mostly ours. They all nodded and I said "fine after practice today I can show you there or maybe Nico, Pedro and Simón can show you." I said. "yes, that would be amazing." Gastón said.

After that we mostly spoked about school and how different the classes are. Then it was time for the other three lessons before cheerleading. Like the other classes they were normal, And so was cheerleading even Emilia didn't make a scene. Then it was finally time for us to go to jam and roller and I have found out earlier that the guys had gone there earlier as practice was cut short.

We walked into the locker rooms at jam and roller and got our skates. Before we finally walked into the rink where all the rest was already practising and to my surprise Matteo actually was as good as he said. "see he wasn't lying." Jim whispered in my ear as she probably notices who I was looking at. "no but as usual he was a fresa." I said and skated out to the rink. I skated alone for some time before I noticed that Matteo had skated closer to me. "this rink is the best." He said as he stopped beside me. "I know this is the place I go when I want to be alone or to get my energy out somewhere." I said. "have you ever skated with someone?" Matteo asked. "yes, with Simón." I said. "well lets dance." Matteo said and took out his hand for me to take. I smiled and took his hand, and we began to dance around the rink doing whatever we felt like doing. Its of course felt different from when I skated with Simón, as I think I might start to develop feelings for Matteo. Which is super strange as I have known him for about a week.

Until I had to go home, I skated either alone or with Matteo and it was nice to forget that we once where enemies and only enjoy this time.

The next day was Tuesday and it was the same as Monday. As with the lessons and lunch but we did find out by Emelia that Benicio and Ambar is going out now. it's a little weird how fast Benicio had been as Ambar and Matteo only broke up last week, but if I am being honest it didn't look like Matteo cared that much. Pedro told us that he had asked out Delfina over the weekend as he had realised that he likes her. I am so happy that he has finally found someone who he likes and that likes him back. The only weird thing is that I thought Delfina liked Gastón. Maybe she had realised that he would never like her back, so she gave up. which I would hope Michel would do.

The only thing different about this day was that Michel had asked me to go for a walk after school and as no one was around I agreed.

We walked towards the park, and he asked "Luna I have an offer to go to Italy to be an exchange student. What should I do?" I don't get why I would get to choice as it should be his choice. "what do you want." I asked. "it depends if there is a chance that you would give me a chance." Michel said. I guess it was time for me to tell him that I only see him as a friend and nothing else. "Michel, I only see you as a friend and I don't think that is ever going to change. Even if I am going to miss you." I answered honestly as Michel have been a great friend ever since we meet. "then I guess I have my answer." Michel said and after that he walked away. I was left alone with only my thought before I walked home.

Wednesday was also normal, but the rest found out that Michel is going to move in two days to Italy. He didn't tell them that it has been my fault that he is going away. He probably doesn't want them to know that I am the reason we are going to lose a friend. Practice was outside today so we could see the guys practice. According to our coach it would encourage us to cheer better on them during the game.

And then it was Thursday when a lot more happened...                                  

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