the party

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An: sorry that it has been a while since I last wrote here. I have had a lot of things with school as I recently started school again after a few years away to try and get a better degree. But I hope you will still like the story.

"How come you are so early this evening." Mom asked as I walked into the kitchen where she was working on dinner. "Well, there was this victory party, but I didn't really feel like going to it." I told her. "I think you should go. Remember you are only young once and it might even be fun." Mom said. "It might be too late to go now." I said. "Call Simón and ask him to come and pick you up." Mom said. I wonder what is with her today as she usually hates when I go out to parties without telling her, but I did as she told me and went up to my room to call Simón.

He answered within the first signal. "Luna why are you calling." Simón asked as I guess he is really confused as to what is going on. "My mom is making me go to the party today." I said. "What, since when do your mom want you to go out and have fun." Simón asked. "Don't know. She said I am only young once and that it might be fun." I said. "Great well I can ask Pedro or Nico to come and pick you up. They are on there way over here know." Simón said. "I guess I don't have that much of a choice." I said. "No, you don't, see you in fifteen minutes." Simón said and before I could even say anything he hung up. Great now I really have no other excuse then to leave. So, I quickly changed my cloths to some cloths I thought would work for a party.

Five minutes later I was wating downstair with my mom in the kitchen. "I am so happy that you decided to go." Mom said and hugged me and at the same time the doorbell rang. "It has to be Nico or Pedro." I said as I walked over to the door and like I thought outside stood both Nico and Pedro. "Are you ready for your first party." Nico asked. I nodded even if I wasn't entirely sure I was actually ready or not. We walked out towards Nico's car, and we drove off.

We stopped outside Ramiro's house, and it was in full swing. I could hear the loud music coming from inside the house. Pedro and Nico walked out of the car like it was nothing while I was wating for I don't really know what. Luckily Pedro and Nico noticed that something was wrong as the turned around before they could even leave the car. "Come on Luna. Its just a party and all your friends are inside." Nico said as he opened my door. "Sorry I don't know what came over me." I said and got out of the car. "Come on it will be fun." Pedro said and pulled me over the house.

He of course didn't bother to knock or ring the bell as there is no way anyone would hear us coming. We just walked inside and like they told me I could see all the people I know inside. Like I saw Ambar talking to Benicio and Emelia over at the snacks table. Simón is surprisingly with Ramiro, Gastón and Matteo over by the stereo, and to no one's surprise Jim, Yam and Nina are dancing in the middle of the room. Well, I might be a little surprise that they managed to make Nina dance with them. "See everyone is here." Nico said. I nodded and started to walk over to Nina and the girls.

They of course didn't notice me at first but luckily Nina did. "Who manged to convince you to come." She asked. "Believe it or not my mom asked me to go as she said I am only young once." I said. "Since when are your mom so cool." Jim asked as she finally noticed me standing beside Nina. "Don't know but I am here, so how is the party." I asked. "A little weird. Like in a good way. Have you seen that they boys are actually getting along? Or that Ambar is not any where near Matteo." Yam said. "Well, the last one isn't that weird. They broke up last night." I said. "And how did you found out about that. Did Matteo tell you." Nina asked. "No, Ambar told us at the practice before the game." I said. "It gets weirder." Jim said and pointed towards Jazmine and Delfina who is walking over to us. "I wonder what they want." I said the other girls didn't say anything as they probably didn't know. "Luna I am so happy that you could make it." Jazmine said and hugged me. "What made you change your mind." Delfina asked. "I just figured that you are only young once." I said. "Well, we are happy that you are here. We are actually going to play a game with all they guys. We are hopping that you all want to join us." Delfina said. All of us nodded and followed Jazmine and Delfina towards the sofas in the middle of the room where they rest was already.

"This is just a little game I like to play to get to know each player. You will all write down a secret and then we will have to guess who it is." Jazmine said. We all nodded, and I wrote down that I love to sing and dance. Not that its that much of a secret.

It took all of us a total of ten minutes to come up with a secret. "I will start by drawing a secret from the hat and then you will all have to guess who it is." Jazmine said and took all the notes and put them in a hat she found laying around. She then took out on of the notes and read it out. "I would love to be a fashion designer when I grow up." Well, this has to be Yam, but we all waited for Jazmine to guess first. "This is hard it has to be one of the new girls. I am going to guess Nina." Jazmine said. all of us that knows Nina started to laugh as she doesn't really have any interest in fashion. "Well judging by that reaction, I am going to guess that its not her." Ramiro said. "No, it's not me." Nina said. "Then you can have a guess." Jazmine said. "Of course, its Yam." Nina said and Yam nodded.

The game took around an hour to finish and by that time we had figured out that Ramiro loves to rap and is actually really good. Nina has a secret blog that she loves to write on. Which is Gastón's favourite blog which was not his secret but that he loves to read. Not that I was that surprised by that. Simón secret was that he used to have a crush on someone in this room. Which wasn't that big of a secret. Jim's was that she is scared of heights and once again not that big of a secret. Ambar's secret was that she is actually relief that she and Matteo broke up. Matteo's secret is that he is in love with someone else and that is the reason he broke up with Ambar. Pedro's is that he loves to cook. Nico's is that he loves to play the guitar. Delfina's is that she loves to be with her friends. Jazmine's is that she dreams of having her own talk show. Benicio's is that he has a crush on Ambar and yes, he did write down her name even. And lastly Emelia's was that she has a crush on a guy in this room.

Over all it was a pretty fun game which of course ended in that we all laughed when someone got something obviously wrong. For the rest of the night, we danced and laughed and got along a lot better then we had ever before.

I got home around one at night and my mom and dad was waiting in the kitchen for me to come back. "See I told you would have fun." Mom said. "I know and thank you mom." I said and hugged her. "Good night, Luna." Dad said and also hugged me. I then walked upstairs.

Over the weekend I hung out mostly with Jim, Yam and Nina at Jam and roller. Then it was finally Monday which means I could finally go back to my own school again. 

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