chapter four

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Its finally Friday which means on Monday I can go back to my own school and hang out with my other friends. But it also means some of the guys will come to our school as well. Of course, I know some of them but to be honest I don't know all. I actually got up on time for once and walked downstairs where my mom and dad sat by the table. "well don't you look happy." Dad said as I sat down next to him. "I am its Friday today. Which means I don't have to continued going to that school anymore" I said. "but don't you have to cheer for the team tonight after school." Mom said. I had completely forgot about that. and I don't know if the girls are planning on going there or not. We said we would talk about it, but we never did. "right." I said. "well have fun at school" dad said as I stood up to leave.

I meet up with Pedro at school and he looked almost as happy as I was. "and why do you look so happy this morning then." I asked. "its our last day here." Pedro said. "and you might actually play tonight." I said. "speaking about that. don't you need to have your cheerleading outfit on for today." Pedro said and pointed to the other girls who was on the cheerleading team that had on there cheer outfits. I of course had forgot about that. but it was no problem as I could just change before school start. "I guess I can change now then." I said and we walked over to the locker room to get changed. I had my uniform in my backpack. Well, the one I had to borrow. I quickly got changed and walked out and accidentally walked into someone. And it wasn't Pedro as I could see him to my right. "this do seem a little similar." The person said. I looked up and saw a pair of brown eyes. I quickly got lose and saw that it was Matteo. With Gastón standing next to Pedro. "a little but somethings are a little different." I said. "for one. That colour is so much prettier. And second your friend wasn't here." Matteo said. "and I didn't walk into you." I said. "so, you are not going to even comment on the colour one." Matteo said. "no, its seems like it's a waste of energy." I said and tried to walk away but of course he just walked in my way again. "so does this mean you will cheer for me today." Matteo asked. "no but unfortunately on your team." I said. "well, I am on the team and the star player. So, in a way you will be cheering for me." Matteo said. "I am going to be cheering for the fact that I will be back to my own school next week. And speaking about that who is going to my school next week anyways." I asked. "that would be me, Matteo, Ramiro, Emilia and Benicio." Gastón said. "don't Jazmine and Delfi come with when you do the pranks as well. I mean we have all seen there videos. I can't believe you didn't get caught earlier if I am being honest." Pedro commented. "they do but the principal didn't believe us when we told him that. but we need to hurry if we want to be on time for English." Gastón said. I can't believe they got away with that. we all walked away towards the English class.

The flowing lessons went on like they have does this week. And then it was time for lunch, and we are still sitting with the guys. But I decided to call Nina before her Lunch ended. So, I walked out to the courtyard.

I called Nina and she answered straight away. "so how is your last day." Nina asked. "good. Or well I forgot that I needed to have on my cheerleading outfit for the day. Which reminds me. did we ever decide if you wanted to come here?" I asked. "you didn't want us there at the beginning of the week. But if you have changed your mind. We would love to come to support you." Nina said. "please do. Then I can at least introduce you to the people who goes here." I said. "okay I will tell Jim and Yam. And did you ever find out who is going here next week." Nina asked. "yes. Gastón said that. he, Matteo, Ramiro, Benicio and Emilia would be there." I said. "wait don't Jazmine and Delfi always film the pranks and put them up on Fab and Chic." Nina said. "they do. But the principal didn't believe them when they told him about it. which is totally unfair considering I wasn't even on the scene of the crime when they got caught." I said. "well technically you where there. just not at the same place as the guys." Nina said. "I know. But tell me about you." I said. "well, its good I miss Xavi a little, but it felt like the best idea to break up with him. And Jim seems like she is happy even though Ada is dating Nico. Which I didn't think would be possible. And Yam is the same old Yam. But I have to go. My next lesson starts in five minutes, and I need to go to the other side of the school." Nina said. "then I will see you tonight." I said. and we hung up. And I stood up and walked into the cafeteria.

"there you are Luna." Simón said as he saw me coming up to them. "sorry I was outside talking to Nina on the phone." I said as I sat down next to Simón and Pedro. "and how is your best friend." Ramiro asked. "good I invited her and some other friends to come to the game." I said. "well, the more the better. And we can finally meet your best friend." Gastón said. "yes, I told her I would introduce everyone to them." I said. they all nodded, and we continued to talk all other things in the world.

The next three lesson went on as normal and then it was time to prepare for the game. It's going to start at around four. So, we still have around an hour to prepare. I am out on the field with the other girls and Ambar looks a little upset. And I don't know why, and I don't plan on finding out. but it appears that she wants to tell us anyways. "girls come here." Ambar said. I walked over to the girls who was already around her. "I just want to say that I am actually really happy that Luna is here. even though I have been not so nice to you on practise. I actually appreciate it. And me and Matteo broke up yesterday. Which is why I may look a little upset." Ambar said as soon as I was near them. I wonder why Matteo didn't appear as sad as Ambar. "oh no what happened." Emilia asked. "he said he didn't feel the same anymore. And haven't for some time. And he didn't think it would be fair for us to date anymore." Ambar said. "no, I mean why are you so nice to Luna." Emilia asked. "I just figured life is to short to be mean to ever single person. It was actually my new friend Simón who thought me that. he is a really good person Luna I understand why you are best friends with him." Ambar said. well now I am even more confused. Simón haven't even told me he is friends with Ambar. But I guess I am happy that Ambar wants to change. But I seem like Emilia isn't feeling the same vibe. "yes, Simón is a nice guy. And thank you Ambar for all the nice things. I think I might miss you when I leave this school." I said. "well, I might miss you as well. But girls let get working we have only forty-five minutes before the match start." Ambar said. we all nodded and began stretching.

The game was finally over, and the team won by a lot. And the guys were able to play for almost all of it. But it was Matteo who scored most of the goals. And the half time show us girls did went great as well. And after the game Nina, Jim and Yam walked up to me as I stood by one of the corners by myself. "and why are you here by yourself." Jim asked. "I don't know it feels weird celebrating another team winning." I answered. And it's true usually I don't want this team to win but today I am actually really happy that they won. "well lets go up to the guys. They are in the middle with the rest of the cheerleader's celebration. And look it seems like Pedro, Nico and Simón are looking for you." Yam said and pointed towards the middle of the field where all the guys stood. I nodded and we walked over to them.

"there you are Luna." Pedro said as he saw me. "yes, and I brought with me some friends." I said. "Nina, Jim, Yam it has been some time." Nico said as he heard us talking and turned around. He gave them all a big group hug. "Nico, we meet last week." Nina said. "oh there you guys are." Simón said as he turned around along with the rest of the guys. "so that is your friends. Well, I guess I have seen them sometimes. But I actually didn't know their names." Matteo said. "and are you lying again. Like you did about me." I asked. "No, I don't. and didn't I say I was sorry about that." Matteo said. "No, I don't think so." I said. "well anyways my name is Matteo. This is my best friend Gastón and our other friend Ramiro. And over there is Benicio, Emilia, Delfi, Jazmine and Ambar." Matteo said and pointed to the guys standing a little further away. "well, we could figure out that you are Matteo. As Luna have told us about you." Yam said. "and I guess all bad things." Gastón said. "no not only bad things. And she told us a little about you as well Gastón." Jim said. "so are you girls going to the victory party at my place tonight." Ramiro asked. I didn't even know that he was planning on having a victory party tonight and I usually don't go to those kinds of parties. "I don't think so." I said. "come on Luna you never go to these things." Simón said. "and for good reason. But honestly, I promised my parents I would get back right after the game was over. So, see you on Monday." I said and walked away. 

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