4. Tennessee

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Jase and Tessa hadn't spoken for the last four hours or so, Tessa had also been on strong pain medication for the last three hours. For the most part she slept, or pretended to sleep. Her head rested on the pillow he'd brought from the ranch; it smelled like that house they'd built together, and that made her sad. The pink cashmere blanket had been a Christmas gift from his mom a few years ago, she had missed that too. A family, and warm, familiar things.

Off and on she would let a few tears just slip out, she was sure Jase thought she was sleeping anyway. He hadn't breathed a word since his outburst back in Arkansas. But she had suspected he had been waiting to tell her off for some time.

She envied him in a lot of ways, he had kept their friends and the house and her horses and the life they had built together on the ranch; her heart ached when she remembered those things. But in the end it hadn't been his fault, he wasn't the reason she had to leave so it wasn't fair to begrudge him— he was the one who'd been left behind.

This trip to Maine had been a mistake, facing her mother at the end of the journey was fearful enough, but spending so much time with Jase wasn't doing her any good either. He was different from Graham, she'd known that when she'd met the young U.S. Senate Candidate six months ago. Maybe that's why she'd chosen Graham in the first place: he never reminded her of Jase. She'd forgotten how even tempered Jase was, how he was so rarely angry and so easy to be with. On what was probably the worst day of her life, Jase was who she wanted to be around. He was safe, he was steady and he cared about her. After what she'd done to him, he'd driven into Dallas in the middle of the night to be the only person at her side. She wished now that she'd never had to leave that life behind, or Jase Cooper.

Around 5 o'clock Jase reached over and touched her shoulder, gently shaking her awake, but she hadn't been asleep.

"We're about ten minutes away from Nash and Heidi's house, thought you might like the scenery," was all he said. Tessa sat up and watched him for a few seconds, he wasn't looking at her, then swung her gaze out the window.

He was right, Tennessee was beautiful and green. Being in the car for so long had left her sore, she put her hand to her ribs hoping that would help, but the pain killers were just wearing off. They were driving through the country now, there were green fields on either side of the road, and hills as far as she could see. Jase took a left turn off of the main road and they were driving up a gravel path through some woods.

As they came around the corner, there was large clearing with a house settled in the middle of it. Jase pulled up the circle drive and two little girls came rushing out the front door to greet them, followed by Nash and Heidi. Tessa felt her heart do a little flip when she saw them, and hurried to open her car door but Jase was somehow there before her, waiting to help her. More of her muscles and bruises protested after being in the car for so long, so she held onto his arm and they went to greet the family together.

"Aunt Tessie! Aunt Tessie! Uncle Jase! Uncle Jase!" screeched Agatha, the oldest one, Macy was bouncing with her and making indiscernible noises. The four- and two-year-old were barely able to contain their excitement over the visitors, Aggie ran at them in pure joy and Tessa braced for impact. Instead 'Uncle' Jase intercepted, and scooped Aggie up in his free arm for a bear hug.

"Tessa!" cried Heidi, her arms outstretched to her friend. Tessa let go of Jase's arm and rushed into Heidi's hug, her best friend's 6 month pregnant belly between them. Tessa buried her face in her friend's shoulder and felt herself sob, Heidi just hugged her tighter. Tessa pulled away when she felt a tiny kick, and laughed in surprise. She glanced at Jase and he was staring at her, an older more familiar expression on his face, and he was almost smiling too. Tessa hugged Nash, and greeted both girls with a hug before the party moved inside.

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