Chapter Eight: Pig for Slaughter

Mulai dari awal

"Aunt Violet." My voice was soft but her eyes turn to meet mine. "I'm ordered to wear a disguise when I'm in public," I tell her.

During the funeral, it'd been only the Akemi family so I'd been fine.... but a public restaurant...

Yeah no I needed a disguise.

"You fear for your life when you are with me??" My aunt seemed flabbergasted as if the idea was laughable.

"It is a police order."

She mutters profanities under her breath, "You're fine. We'll be having dinner and then leaving."

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't place Olene in any more danger than she already is." Nezu comments. "Could you please stop at the nearest drugstore. I will buy her a wig and a disguise."

My aunt seemed like she wanted to argue but thought better of it, "Fine whatever."

Since I really need to go to the washroom, my aunt had offered me one of her husband's hoodies in the car and she handed me her sunglasses, "You have fifteen minutes. If you're not back by then I'm coming in to get you."

I move inside, efficiently hidden from sight by the hoodie. The oxygen mask would be a dead giveaway as to I was so I was instructed to remove it. Technically I could take it off during the day but I was advised not to. It was mandatory during the night though.

Nezu and I had separated, each of us going to different sections of the store.

I quickly relieved myself and washed my hands before walking outside and deciding to look around. I had another ten minutes to kill before my aunt set this place on fire.

"Oomph." I smack into someone and instantly I'm on alert. My head swivels around and my eyes meet the surprised red ones of the guy I accidentally hit.

He looks like he has the sunset in his eyes, was my first thought when I saw him.

"Gosh, I'm sorry!" I bow instantly, "I was in my own world. I wasn't watching where I was going," My voice was laced with a breathless chuckle.

The guy's hands come out and he shakes his head, "No. No." He lets out a laugh.

He had a nice laugh.

"It was also my fault. I was too absorbed by all these hair dyes." He grumbles the last words.

He was a very attractive, muscular young man. He was taller than me slightly and looked like he worked out, seeing as he had a rather impressive physique for his age. His soft red eyes were pointed slightly inwards and he had a small scar just above his right eye.

I wanted to ask where he'd gotten it from... but I don't.

"You're changing your hair color?" I ask, staring at the color of his hair. It was the same shade of black as mine.

The dude gives a nervous chuckle, seeming to blush under my observance. I didn't know why he was embarrassed. Dying one's hair wasn't something to get bashful about.

"Yeah. I recently got accepted to the U-A hero course and I just- I want a change."

I give him a smile and nod understandingly, "Oh well um-good luck!" I grin and stick my hands in my pockets trying to walk around him.

"Which one do you think is better?" He asks quickly. I turn to look at him for a second. The dude looked a tad nervous and I quickly scan the aisle both ways, before pulling up my sunglasses and resting them on my head. I hop to his side and eye the two bottles of hair dye, deep in thought.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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