Dreams (1)

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"Y/N?!" I heard a disembodied voice cry out my name. "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Then i heard multiple disembodied voices say it. They grew louder and louder.

They sounded familiar.

I wanted to scream out some kind of answer.

But i couldn't.

I tried to look around but it was all so foggy...

I kept seeing glimpses of things. No not things.

Places. Places that seemed to be from a fairytale. People in what seems to be uniforms.It felt familiar. They seemed as if they were memories...

Then a mask pops out infront of me and it feels as if it was staring into my soul as these flashes of recollections kept coming at me.

As i heard my name being called out. "Y/N!"

My mother had woken me up.

I assume my mother has stormed off as I hear her heavy footsteps leave my door. I get up and wipe my sweaty forehead. I head to my bathroom and rinse my face. I take a short shower and after I grab my towel I rush to go to grab my clothes and I find myself face to face with my mother.

"Finally!" She yelled "Y/N! You're missing school! Get ready! NOW!" She seemed angry. I ran out of bed. Heading to my dresser and trying to put on my uniform as fast as possible. I sprinted to the kitchen and started filling my lunch bag with food

I got my bag and hurried out of the door before my father could wave me my usual goodbye. I ran as fast as i could. But I couldn't help but notice in the corner of my eyes I could see windows and doors being boarded up. While a lot of shops were closing up.

I stopped in my tracks to see the school being boarded up. "Oh hey there. What are you doing?" " Heading to school? " I look up at him "Hey, the school's closed down for today" This big burly man explained to me.

"Why?" I said still breathless from running "You don't know?" He seemed a bit shocked. "Do you not know what today is?" He continued "Today that headmaster is coming to the kingdom" My eyes widened.

He could obviously see the distraught look on my face "You should probably head home kid" I nodded and thanked him as i ran back home. I see kids who once use to be kind struggling to harm animals while naughty ones struggle to water a flower.

I burst through the door hurriedly. ''Y/N?!'' My mother looked at me confused "mom don't you know what day it is?" i saw the look on her face as she realized.

She rushed me to my room and she explained to my father the situation. They started to lock my windows and my doors they started praying that i would not be taken away. I heard my neighbors coming out of there homes. I tried to peek out of my windows but it was no use.

I was trapped for the rest of the day.

I tried passing the time by making doodles in my journal but only a few minutes had passed. I decided to clean my room since it was so boring I had gained motivation to clean. Sometime has passed since i was cleaning.But the sun still hadn't even started setting. And i started to feel a bit tired. But as i was cleaning my closet I found a storybook. I hadn't seen this storybook before. It was odd but i shrugged it off. I thought it might've belonged to my mother.

I decided to read it to pass the time. I plopped onto my bed and opened the book. My eyes began wandering to these words. This book contained more than I bargained for
It had stories i had never heard of. Pictures of kingdoms that i had never seen. It was amazing. I was so invested that i hadn't noticed how long it had been.

It's now dark out. There was no sound. No kids outside. I couldn't hear my parents praying. Nothing. Just emptiness.

Then a scream had broken the silence.

I started to hear people screaming and shouting "SOMEONE HAS BEEN TAKEN" I jumped out of my bed out of shock. I realized it had been the house infront of me. I was so terrified that he was so close. I was pleading that he wouldnt take me.

As i ran around my room searching for a hiding spot. I heard yelling and footsteps running to my door. Then out of nowhere something invisible grabbed on to me. I screamed and thrashed around as it took me away. I suddenly passed out.

As i closed my eyes i heard the invisible figure say

"A powerful one isn't she?"

Another voice responds.

"Yes definitely an ever"

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